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(ENG) SQT0149
About Condensation (When
the lens or the LCD monitor is
fogged up)
Condensation occurs when there is a change in
temperature or humidity, such as when the unit
is taken from outside or a cold room to a warm
room. Please be careful, as it may cause the
lens or LCD monitor to become soiled, moldy,
or damaged.
When taking the unit to a place which has a
different temperature, if the unit is accustomed
to the room temperature of the destination for
about one hour, condensation can be
prevented. (When the difference in temperature
is severe, place the unit in a plastic bag or the
like, remove air from the bag, and seal the bag.)
When condensation has occurred, remove the
battery and/or the AC adapter and leave the
unit like that for about one hour. When the unit
becomes accustomed to the surrounding
temperature, fogginess will disappear naturally.
Cards that you can use with
this unit
SD Memory Card, SDHC Memory Card and
SDXC Memory Card
4 GB or more Memory Cards that do not have
the SDHC logo or 48 GB or more Memory
Cards that do not have the SDXC logo are
not based on SD Memory Card
Refer to page 12 for more details on SD
For the purposes of these
operating instructions
SD Memory Card, SDHC Memory Card and
SDXC Memory Card are referred to as the
“SD card”.
The smartphone and tablet are indicated as
Function that can be used for Motion Picture
Recording Mode:
Function that can be used for Still Picture
Recording Mode:
Function that can be used for the Playback
Function that can be used for the Playback
Mode (motion pictures only):
Function that can be used for the Playback
Mode (still pictures only):
Scene(s) recorded in the recording format
[AVCHD]: “AVCHD scene(s)”
Scene(s) recorded in the recording format
[MP4/iFrame], scene(s) saved in
MP4 (Low Quality): “MP4/iFrame scene(s)”
Pages for reference are indicated by an
arrow, for example: l 00
These operating instructions are designed for
use with models , ,
, , ,
and . Pictures may
be slightly different from the original.
The illustrations used in these operating
instructions show model ,
however, parts of the explanation refer to
different models.
Depending on the model, some functions
are not available.
, , ,
, and
correspond to Wi-Fi
Features may vary, so please read carefully.
Not all models may be available depending
on the region of purchase.
HC-V750 HC-V757
Simplified-HC-W850&W850M&V750&V750M&V730EP&EB-SQT0149_mst.book 5 ページ 2014年1月9日 木曜日 午後2時28

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Andere handleiding(en) van Panasonic HC-V750

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 229 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 30 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 229 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 29 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Deutsch - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 229 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Installatiehandleiding - English - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 229 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 30 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Français - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 229 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 30 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Italiano - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 229 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 30 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Português - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 229 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 30 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Espanõl - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 229 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 29 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Polski - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 163 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Türkiye - 29 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Türkiye - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk - 29 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Dansk - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Svenska - 29 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Svenska - 1 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Suomi - 30 pagina's

Panasonic HC-V750 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Suomi - 1 pagina's

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