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a) Measure the ingredients correctly.
b) Match the quantity of ingredients accordingly and check wheth-
er an ingredient has been forgotten.
c) Use another liquid or allow it too cool down to room tempera-
d) Add the ingredients in the sequence listed in the recipe. Produce
a small hole in the centre and immediately add the crumbled or
dried yeast. Avoid direct contact between yeast and liquid.
e) Only use fresh and properly stored ingredients.
f) Reduce the overall quantity; do not use more than the specied
quantity of our. Reduce all ingredients by one third.
g) Correct the amount of liquid. If moist ingredients are used then
the amount of liquid must be reduced.
h) Use 1-2 tablespoons less liquid during wet weather.
i) Do not use the timing programme in hot weather. Use cold liq-
uids. Use the programme SCHNELL to shorten the rising phas-
j) Immediately remove the bread from the tin after baking and al-
low it to cool down on a grid for at least 15 minutes before it is
k) Reduce the yeast or all ingredients by one quarter of the speci-
ed amount.
l) Do not grease the bread pan.
m) Add one tablespoon of wheat gluten to the dough.
Default Cause Remedy
Smoke coming out of the bak-
ing chamber or vents
Ingredients sticking to baking chamber or on
the outside of the baking pan
Switch off the machine, disconnect the mains plug; wait
until cooled down, then clean the baking chamber and pan.
Before using the breadmaker for the rst time, make one
baking cycle with inserted bread pan, but without ingredients
in the program BACKPULVER to remove possible residues.
Bread has partly collapsed and
is moist at the bottom
Bread remained too long in pan after being
kept warm
Remove bread after end of keep-warm function at the latest,
to allow the steam to escape.
Bread cannot be easily re-
moved from the pan.
The loaf is sticking to the kneading blade. Before baking the next bread, clean kneading blade and
shaft after If necessary ll the pan with warm water and soak
for 30 min. The kneader can then be easily removed.
Ingredients have not been
properly mixed or the bread
has not been properly baked.
Incorrect program Check selected menu; set another program.
START/STOP key was touched while bread-
maker was operapang.
Discard ingredients and start anew
Lid has been opened too long or too often. Only open the lid very shortly to add ingredients after the
signal in the phase KNEAD or RISE 2. Do not open in a later
Long power outage during operation. Throw away the ingredients and restart from the beginning,
or conpanue the process in the individual program.
The rotation of the kneaders is blocked. Check if the kneaders are blocked by seeds or other ingre-
dients. Remove the bread pan and check if the catch at the
underside rotates.
If none of these options help, contact our after-sales service.
Bread pan lifts up during the
kneading process
The side springs on the base in the inner
housing have lost their strength.
Open the appliance lid which will interrupt the program. Take
out the pan and pull up the springs a little. Replace the pan
and close the lid. The appliance will carry on working.
The dough is too thick, the kneading hooks
are blocked and push up the pan.
Open the lid. Add liquid to the dough and close the lid again.
Mistake Cause Remedy
Bread rises too much. Too much yeast, too much our
not enough salt, or a combination of these causes
Bread does not rise or only
No or insufcient yeast
Old yeast.
Liquid too hot
Yeast came into contact with liquid
Wrong or old our.
Too much or insufcient liquid.
Not enough sugar
Dough rises and ows over
the baking pan.
Very soft water so that yeast fermentation is stronger.
Too much milk has inuenced yeast fermentation
Bread has collapsed.
Bread volume larger than the pan causing it to collapse a/f
Bread is dented after baking. Too early or too fast yeast fermentation due to warm water, warm baking chamber
or high humidity level.
Not enough gluten in the our.
Too much liquid
Stiff lumpy, texture Too much our or insufcient liquid
Not enough yeast or sugar
Too much fruit, wholemeal or other ingredients.
Old or poor quality our
Not baked in the centre.
Too much or insufcient liquid.
High amount of moisture.
Recipe with moist ingredients, e.g. yoghurt.
Open, coarse texture or full
of holes.
Too much water.
No salt.
High amount of moisture; water was too warm.
Liquid was too hot.

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