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The bread sticks in the pan after baking
Allow the bread to cool off for approx. 20-30 min., then turn the pan
cautiously without pouncing it on the worktop or table. If necessary,
slightly waggle the blades (kneader connections). Before baking
is commenced, rub a little oil on the kneaders. Before placing the
kneaders into the bread pan, ll the holes in the kneaders with heat
resisting margarine to avoid dough from sticking to the underside.
How can the holes in the bread from the kneader be avoided?
Before the last raising phase, you can remove the kneader with oured
ngers (see the timing of the program process on the display). Should
you not wish to do that, use the hooked skewer after baking If you do
this carefully you can avoid larger holes.
The dough ows over the bread pan.
This may occur, when wheat our is used, which rises more due to the
higher gluten portion.
- reduce the our quantity and adapt the other ingredients. The
baked bread will still have a large volume;
- Add 1 tbsp of melted margarine on top of the our;
- select a shorter program, for example the program RAPID/
The bread rises, but sinks in the baking phase
a) if a “V” formed channel appears in the bread middle gluten is
missing, that means that either the our contains too little protein
(occurs in rainy summers) or the our is damp. In this case we
- Select the program RAPID/SCHNELL.
- Add 1 tbsp wheat gluten for every 500 g of our.
b) if the bread sinks like a funnel in the middle then it could be that:
- the water temperature was too high;
- to much water was used;
- gluten is missing.
When can the Breadmaker lid be opened during the baking
Basically it is always possible when the kneading takes place. During
this time, one can add small amounts of our or liquid. If the bread
has to have a particular appearance after baking, take the following
steps: before the last raising, carefully and shortly open the lid (see
the program process table), make a cut in the crust with a sharp pre-
warmed knife, sprinkle seeds on the surface or spread a potato-our
and water mixture on the crust so that it shines after baking. This is the
last phase in which the BREADMAKER lid can be opened, otherwise
the bread will sink.
The bread crust is not brown enough.
Mix 1 egg yolk with 1 tsp of cream and brush the dough after the last
kneading cycle.
What is gluten?
The higher the type gure, the less gluten is in the our and the less the
dough rises. The highest gluten portion is found in our of the German
type 550.
What is wholemeal our?
Wholemeal our can be made from all sorts of grain, even wheat. The
designation whole meal means that the our is ground from the whole
grain and thus has more roughage. Therefore wheat wholemeal our
is somewhat darker. Wholemeal bread is not necessarily darker as is
often assumed.
What has to be noted when using rye our?
Rye our does not contain any binding substances, thus pure rye
bread does not rise very much. To make it edible, a RYE WHOLEMEAL
BREAD must be made with leaven dough. The dough will only rise
when at least ¼ of the total our quantity is replaced by type 550 our.
Which different ours can be used?
a) Corn, rice, potato our can be used in particular for allergy patients
or persons suffering from sprue or celiaca. See the recipes in the
respective chapter.
b) Spelt our ist very expensive, but free of chemical residues as spelt
grows only on poor grounds. Spelt our is ideal for allergy patients.
All recipes for our type 405, 550, 1050 can be prepared with spelt
our as well.
c) Hard wheat our (durum) is ideal for French baguette due to its
How can fresh bread be made more edible?
If a boiled puréed potato is put with the our and kneaded in, the fresh
bread is more edible.
In what proportion can one use raising substances?
It can be bought in various quantities, so one must observe the
manufacturers details on the package and the quantity set in relation
to the amount of our used, with both yeast and leaven dough.
The bread tastes of yeast:
a) if sugar is used, leave it out but the bread will not be so brown.
b) add to the water a quantity of spirits vinegar, for a small loaf = 1½
tbsp - for a large loaf 2 tbsp
c) replace the water with buttermilk or ker, this will improve the fres-
hness of the bread.
What do the type gures mean with our?
The lower the gure the less roughage is contained in the our and the
lighter it is and the more it rises because it contains a higher proportion
of gluten. Please nd below a schedule with the different types for
Germany, Austria, and Switzerland as well as some explanations.
Description German
Type No.
Type No.
Type No.
Wheat our very ne, white, e.g. for cake 405 480 400
plain white our for bread 550 780 550
medium our 1050 1600 1100
dark wheat our 1600 1700 1900
Rye our very ne 815 500 720
ne 997 960 1100
medium 1150 960 1100
wholemeal, rough 1740 2500 1900

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