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Current Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulation or Rules in
and should be installed in accordance with the rules in force.
In GB, the installation must be carried out by a Gas Safe
competent Gas Installer. It must be carried out in accordance with
the relevant requirement of the:
• GasSafety(InstallationandUse)Regulations
• AppropriateNationalStandards
• TheWaterFittingsRegulations
• CurrentIEEWiringRegulations
• Health&SafetyDocumentNol.635
• TheElectricityatworkRegulations1989.
• BS5482Part1CodeofPracticeforDomesticbutaneand
propane gas burning installation in permanent dwellings,
residential park homes and commercial premises.
• BSEN1949:2011SpecicationfortheinstallationofLPG
Systems for habitation purposes in leisure accommodation
vehicles and other road vehicles.
The manufacturer’s notes MUST NOT be taken, in any way as
overriding statutory obligations.
adequately supporting the weight of the boiler and any ancillary
between the wall and the boiler is not necessary unless required
by National Standards.
For Electrical Safety reasons there must be no access available
from the rear of the boiler.
This appliance is rated IP20.
The boiler may be installed in any room or internal space, although
particular attention is drawn to the requirements of the current
IEE (BS.7671) Wiring Regulations and the electrical provisions
of the building regulations applicable in Scotland, with respect to
the installation of the boiler in a room or internal space containing
a bath or shower. For IE reference should be made to the current
ETCI rules for electrical installations and I.S. 813:2002.
If the appliance is to be installed in a room containing a bath or
shower then, providing water jets are not going to be used for
cleaning purposes (as in communal baths/showers), the appliance
must be installed beyond Zone 2, as detailed in BS.7671.
Zone 0
Zone 2
Zone 1
A compartment used to enclose the boiler should be designed
and constructed specially for this purpose.
An existing cupboard or compartment may be used, provided
• ThepositionselectedforinstallationMUSTallowadequate
space for servicing in front of the boiler.
Pluming will occur at the terminal so avoid locations where this
will cause a nuisance.
The boiler MUST be installed so that the terminal is exposed to
external air.
It is important that the positions of the terminal allows the free
passage of air accross it at all times.
Minimum acceptable spacing from the terminal to obstructions
from any ground, decking or steps is under 1.5m then a suitable
For Residential Park Homes, please refer to BS 5440 Part 1.
Terminal Guards are available from boiler suppliers.
TFC Flue Guard - Model K6 Round Plastic Coated.
* Only one reduction down to 25mm is allowable per installation
otherwise BS5440-1 2008 dimensions must be followed.
Flue Terminal Positions
Min. Spacing*
1. Directly below, above or alongside an opening
window, air vent or other ventilation opening. 300mm (12”)
2. Below guttering, drain pipes or soil pipes. 25mm ( 1”)*
BS5440-1 2008 75mm (3”)
3. Below eaves. 25mm (1”)*
BS5440-1 2008 200mm (8”)
4. Below balconies or a car port roof. 25mm (1”)*
BS5440-1 2008 200mm (8”)
5. From vertical drain pipes or soil pipes. 25mm (1”)*
BS5440-1 2008 150mm (6”)
6. From an internal or external corner or to a 25mm (1”)*
boundary along side the terminal. BS5440-1 2008 300mm (12”)
7. Above adjacent ground, roof or balcony level. 300mm (12”)
8. From a surface or a boundary facing the terminal. 600mm (24”)
9. From a terminal facing a terminal. 1,200mm (48”)
10. From an opening in a car port
(e.g. door or window) into dwelling. 1,200mm (48”)
11. Vertically from a terminal on the same wall. 1,500mm (60”)
12. Horizontally from a terminal on the wall. 300mm (12”)
Vertical Terminals
13. Above the roof pitch with roof slope of all angles. 300mm (12”)
Aboveatroof. 300mm(12”)
14. From a single wall face. 300mm (12”)
From corner walls. 300mm (12”)
15. Below velux window 2000mm (79”)
16. Above or side of velux window 600mm (24”)
Table 4 - Balanced Flue Terminal Position

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Andere handleiding(en) van Morco GB30

Morco GB30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 10 pagina's

Morco GB30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 8 pagina's

Morco GB30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 10 pagina's

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