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CO level less
than 350ppm AND CO/CO
ratio less than
Turn off Appliance and Call Morco Technical Helpline
The appliance must not be commissioned until problems
are identified and resolved. If commissioning cannot be
fully completed, the appliance must be disconnected from
the gas supply in accordance with GS(I&U)R. NOTE:
Check and record CO level and combustion ratio at both
maximum AND minimum rate before contacting Ideal.
CO level less
than 350ppm AND CO/CO
ratio less than
Set Boiler to Maximum Gas Rate
In accordance with boiler instructions,
(by fully turning on hot tap) set boiler to
operate at maximum rate (full load
condition). Allow sufficient time for
combustion to stabilise.
Note. Do not insert analyser probe during this
period to avoid possible flooding of sensor.
Check CO level and Combustion Ratio
at Maximum Gas Rate
With boiler still set at maximum gas rate,
insert analyser probe into flue gas
sampling point. Allow readings to stabilise
before recording.
Set Boiler to Minimum Gas Rate
(*see opposite page)
In accordance with boiler instructions, set boiler to
operate at minimum rate (to minimum load condition).
Allow sufficient time for combustion to stabilise.
Verify Flue Integrity
Analyser readings indicate that combustion products and inlet air
must be mixing. Further investigation of the flue is therefore required.
Check that flue components are assembled, fixed and supported as
per instructions. Check that flue and flue terminal are not obstructed.
Check that no seals, e.g. Those on flue extensions, have
been displaced during installation. Rectify if necessary.
Turn off appliance and call Morco Technical Helpline for advice
The appliance must not be commissioned until problems are identified
and resolved. If commissioning cannot be fully completed, the appliance
must be disconnected from the gas supply in accordance with GSIUR.
Carry Out Flue Integrity Check Using Analyser
Insert analyser probe into air inlet test point (where available) and allow
readings to stabilise.
Note. Where no air inlet test point is provided then a flue integrity check with
the analyser is not possible. The installer should verify that flue integrity has
been visually checked in accordance with the “Prior to CO level and
combustion ratio check” (see opposite page) before proceeding to the
check CO level and combustion ratio at maximum rate” stage below.
O2 more than or
equal to 20.6% OR CO
less than or equal to
CO level less
than 350ppm AND CO/CO
ratio less than
2 more than or
equal to 20.6% OR CO
less than or equal to
Boiler is Operating Satisfactorily
No further actions required.
Ensure test points are capped, boiler case is correctly replaced and all
other commissioning procedures are completed. Complete Benchmark
Checklist, recording CO and combustion ratio readings as required.
Check CO and Combustion Ratio at Minimum Gas Rate
With boiler set at minimum rate, insert analyser probe into flue
gas sampling point. Allow readings to stabilise before recording.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Morco GB30

Morco GB30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 10 pagina's

Morco GB30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 8 pagina's

Morco GB30 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 10 pagina's

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