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JA-80Y user manual MFJ55800
User features
The JA-80Y GSM communicator offers many useful features. Its main purpose is
information transmission – reporting events directly to you and to an ARC (Alarm
Receiving Centre).
In addition, the communicator allows you remote system control and programming by
phone or Internet and the remote control of appliances in a house (e.g. heating).
If a suitable phone set is connected, you can also make phone calls or send/receive SMS
messages. It is also possible to listen-in to a house via a connected intercom.
Can remote control be secure?
There are several mechanisms for protection to ensure that remote system control is secure:
Using a phone:
The communicator’s SIM card number gives basic protection. This number is not
explicitly referenced anywhere in the system, and we recommend keeping it private.
As a second level of protection, every SMS instruction is required to contain a valid
access codethe same code as the one used for system operation from the
keypad. This code is also used when you request system access via a phone call – for
so-called connection authorization.
The third level can be realised by naming instructions with your own texts. We
recommend recording these texts and keeping them in a safe place.
Using the Internet:
The communicator can be accessed via the Internet from the www.gsmlink.cz web
site. A secure (encrypted) protocol is used for transmissions.
First you have to register your system at www.gsmlink.cz
. After that your system’s
communicator becomes accessible and protected by the registered password and
user name.
As the final requirement for establishing a connection with the communicator you
need to enter a valid access code (equals the code used for operation via the system
How the system works
Alarm triggering is processed by the communicator as follows:
If enabled, reporting to ARCs (Alarm Receiving Centres) is started first.
SMS reports are sent to pre-programmed phone numbers in the order they be stored.
As a sort of acoustic signalling, pre-programmed phone numbers are called (again in the
order that they are stored). Each phone number is dialled only once, regardless of whether
the call is answered or not.
If an alarm is cancelled by a user (by presenting a valid
code/card) while it is being reported, any unsent SMSes and
unperformed call reports are cancelled. However, the ARC still
gets a complete set of reports about events in the system.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Jablotron JA-80Y

Jablotron JA-80Y Installatiehandleiding - English - 12 pagina's

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