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JA-80Y user manual MFJ55800
yyy is the minimum acceptable credit balance
zz is the textual position in which the number showing the balance starts in
the reply message from the GSM provider
_ is a space character
The communicator interrogates the GSM network every xx
day. The reply message is
scanned for a number – the reported credit balance, with the scan starting at the zz
position. If the number is lower than yyy, the credit balance message from the provider
will be forwarded to phone numbers M1 and M8 to remind someone to top up the SIM
card. If, in addition, event 22 is programmed to be reported to any tel. numbers (M1 to
M8) then the credit balance being under the yyy limit will be indicated by sending the
message “Discharged battery of the communicator” to these numbers. Topping up the SIM
card (so that yyy is exceeded) is indicated by sending the message “Battery OK GSM
communicator”. You can disable automatic credit interrogation by sending the single-shot
instruction xxxx_CREDIT_uu..u.
Example: Sending 4321 CREDIT 101# 7 200 1 will cause the credit balance to be
checked every seventh day (counting from the day of sending) so that a minimum of 200
is requested and the numeric value of the balance is supposed to have its textual position at
the first character in the reply message from the GSM provider.
The user is responsible for the credit balance being sufficient!
As a rule, there is a time-limit after which the credit validity will expire!
Owing to the above facts, using pre-paid SIM cards is
not recommended.
Simulated phone line configuration
The communicator is equipped with a phone line connector which allows you to attach a
standard phone with tone dialling. This will make the communicator work as a GSM
gateway, enabling you to perform phone calls. If, in addition, the telephone set allows for
receiving or sending SMS messages (standard: PSTN, FSK V.23, ETSI Protocol 1) then
this function will be provided by the communicator too.
20. Attached phone function sequence 951x
Entering the following instruction on the system keypad allows you to pre-program the
simulated line function (the control panel must be in Maintenance Mode):

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Andere handleiding(en) van Jablotron JA-80Y

Jablotron JA-80Y Installatiehandleiding - English - 12 pagina's

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