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JA-80Y user manual MFJ55800
x What happens after picking-up the phone
An ordinary telephone line is simulated, it is possible to make phone calls from and
to the house (indicated by a dial tone in the receiver).
If you pick up the receiver, the telephone keypad works as an alarm system
keypad. It is impossible to make phone calls in this mode (you hear alarm keypad
sounds in the receiver)
The communicator does not react to phone operation – the telephone line is
Emergency call – if you pick-up the phone, it dials the emergency number (see 21)
While the communicator is occupied with reporting events, or it is not registered to
the GSM network, a busy signal is heard on the connected phone.
You can switch from line simulation mode (0) to keypad mode (1) by pressing # on
the phone (the receiver must be picked up). After hanging up, mode 0 will be restored.
When in emergency call mode (3), the communicator allows for a switch to mode 0 or
mode 1 by pressing the * key or the # key, respectively.
21. Emergency telephone number sequence 952 xx…x 0
If the simulated phone line is set to emergency call mode (see 20), then after picking up
the receiver the phone automatically calls a number programmed by:
952 xx...x 0
where: xxx…x is a phone number (max. 20 digits), keying in *9 will enter “+” for
international calls.
Remote access by Internet
The system can be accessed remotely via www.GSMLink.cz which allows complete
programming by installers and also operating the system by end users. The GPRS service
(or, alternatively, SMS) is used for data transfer. The www.GSMLink.cz
access is
provided by Jablotron free-of-charge (only the data transfer from the premises is charged
Accessing the communicator remotely requires its SIM card to be enabled for GPRS
data transfer. Only then can the device be registered with the GSMLink website. To do
the registration itself, take the following steps:
Specify your login parameters – user name and password – as well as other data
required for registration (including texts used to obtain a forgotten code).
Enter the communicator registration code (printed on the warranty certificate
attached to the communicator module). The registration code has the format XXXXX-
Enter the communicator SIM card tel. number.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Jablotron JA-80Y

Jablotron JA-80Y Installatiehandleiding - English - 12 pagina's

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