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The JA-80Y GSM communicator - 1 - MFJ55304
The JA-80Y GSM communicator
The communicator is a component of the Jablotron Oasis 80 system.
This manual is valid for software version XA61010 or higher. The
communicator is designed to be installed within the control panel
housing. When connected to a GSM network it allows the following:
event reporting by SMS (to up to 8 telephone numbers)
event reporting by phone call with an acoustic warning
event reporting to an ARC (Automatic Receiving Centre – also known
as a Central Monitoring Station) - up to 2 ARCs
remote control and programming by phone (remotely authorizing a
phone keypad or by SMS instructions)
the remote control of appliances in the house by dialling in from an
authorized number (free of charge with unanswered calls)
remote control and programming via the Internet (www.GSMlink.cz
connecting a phone set = simulated tel. line = GSM gateway function
(incl. CLIP protocol = caller ID and SMS transfer)
listening-in and voice communication – via a connected SP-02
connecting a PC to the Internet (GPRS modem feature)
1. Installation in the control panel
If you purchased the communicator module separately, it should first be
installed in the Oasis control panel as follows:
a) the control panel power must be switched off (both mains and
b) Fit the communicator inside the control panel housing using screws
and connect its cable to the main board
c) attach the adhesive GSM antenna to inside the control panel’s
plastic housing (on the lower internal wall) and connect the antenna to
the communicator – never switch the control panel power on if the
GSM antenna is not connected to the GSM module as this will cause
serious damage.
d) connect the relevant cables to the communicator if you intend using
the simulated telephone line, the AUX output or a PC serial data
cable for the GPRS modem function
SMS phone
connected to
RJ socket or
AUX relay
via COM port
GSM antenna
Fig. 1 Communicator wiring
2. Powering up the communicator for the
first time
If the communicator is installed in the control panel and its GSM antenna
is connected then:
a) have a suitable SIM card ready. It should be activated (see if it
works in a mobile phone first). If it requires a PIN code when turning
the phone on, then disable the PIN code request (for example in
Nokia via: Menu / Settings / Security settings / PIN code request /
Off). The communicator can work with a prepaid card, but for more
reliable functioning use a tariff card (see 5.16).
b) insert the SIM card into the communicator (to open the card holder
push its frame up a little)
c) switch on the control panel power (mains and battery). The
communicator’s red LED should go off within a minute = successful
registration to the GSM network.
If the red LED starts flashing after awhile, switch off the control panel
power, put the SIM card into a mobile phone and check that it
registers to the network in place of the control panel and without any
PIN code requests.
d) close the control panel cover, the alarm system should be in
Service mode - if it is not, enter 0 Service code (factory default:
8080) with the alarm system unset (disarmed).
e) key in 98101 - to set texts of the communicator to English language.
f) key in 922 to measure the GSM signal strength (should indicate in
the range 0/4 to 4/4). It should be at least 2/4 for reliable functioning.
If the signal is weak, change the location of the control panel or try a
SIM card from another GSM provider (it is not recommended to use
either a high-gain or directional antenna– see 5.2).
g) if the GSM signal is sufficient, test the communicator functions
(for example calling the system’s SIM card number and authorizing
the phone keypad you are using) – see 3.3.
If installed at a location near a national border where roaming to a
foreign network is highly likely (e.g. when the signal strength is
fluctuating), we recommended blocking the roaming feature in the SIM
card to avoid unnecessarily high communication fees. Contact your GSM
provider for details.
3. User functions of the communicator
The following text describes all communicator features. The installer
should show the end user how to operate the functions used in a
particular installation.
3.1. Making a phone call from a connected phone
The communicator provides a simulated phone line (including CLIP
protocol) to connect a phone set:
the phone (tone dialling only) should be connected to the telephone
socket on the communicator board (or to the PHONE terminals)
the phone can be used as if connected to a standard telephone line
(factory default settings of the communicator)
if the phone supporting SMS messages is used, then besides phone
calls it is also possible to send and receive SMS messages (see
the communicator terminates current phone calls if it is due to
send event reports
some phone sets are sensitive to nearby GSM radio signals. If you
hear strong interference in the phone receiver caused by the
communicator’s GSM signal, change the location of the phone set.
3.2. Listening-in and voice communication
If listening-in and voice communication are needed, then an SP-02
intercom should be connected to the phone line simulated by the
communicator. The intercom can be connected in parallel to any existing
phone set. The SP-02 works as a speaker-phone which answers calls
automatically when coming from telephone numbers authorized to
access the listening-in feature. The SP-02 also provides a push-to-talk
feature to call a number stored in its memory. See the SP-02 manual for
details on how to authorize numbers to listen-in, and how to program the
push-to-talk number.
3.3. Temporarily authorizing a phone keypad to be a system
It is possible to operate the system remotely by temporarily authorizing a
phone keypad as follows:

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Jablotron JA-80Y Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 16 pagina's

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