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The JA-80Y GSM communicator - 4 - MFJ55304
Automatic SIM card credit
Credit balance checking is set by SMS instruction code_CREDIT_uu..u_xx_yyy_zz where uu..u =
instruction for the GSM network (e.g. 101# etc.), xx= period in days, yyy=minimum balance, zz=
the position in which the number showing the balance starts, If the reported credit balance is lower
than the set limit (yyy), the credit balance message from the provider will be forwarded to phone
numbers M1 and M8
Programming by SMS
System can be programmed remotely via SMS instruction code PRG seq, seq,... where seq is
programming sequence set also from the keypad (e.g. 8080 PRG 08080,201,# set the 10s exit
Triggering re-registration to the
GSM network
The communicator will unregister from the GSM network and then re-register. Also possible via
the SMS instruction: code GSM. Code = master, user or service code
Communicator reset 98080 Resets to the factory default settings and erases all phone numbers, text will not be changed
Memorizing the SIM card’s PIN
code in the communicator
920 xx..x 0
xx..x = new PIN, sequence 9200 erases the
PIN (to use a SIM card with a disabled PIN)
Configuring the GPRS log-in
by SMS instruction to the alarm system: code GPRS x..x,y..y,z..z where code = master or service code, x..x =
the APN, y..y = name, z..z = password (only enter the APN if the name and password are not required by the
GSM provider)
ARC main tel. number/IP address
01 a xx..x 0
ARC backup tel. number/IP
02 a xx..x 0
a=1=ARC1, a=2=ARC2, xx..x = tel. number
(max.20 digits) or IP address & port – for
example: 01 2 8 192 168 001 123 08080 0
(8= signifies an IP address, it must have 12
digits followed by a 5 digit port number).
Entering 01p0 or 02p0 will erase the
Installation (alarm system) ID for
ARC use
03 a zz..z 0
a=1=ARC1, a=2=ARC2, zz..z = ID number
max. 8 digits 0 to 9 and 1=A to 6=F
(hexadecimal number)
Selecting the ARC protocol 04 a x
a=1 ARC1, a=2 ARC2
x=0 CID, x=1 SMS CID, x=2 IP CID
Selection of events to report to
05 a ec x
a=1 ARC1, a=2 ARC2
ec event code (see 5.27)
x=1 report, x=0 no report
all events are reported
Defining the delay before data is
resent to an ARC
06 a x
a=1 ARC1, a=2 ARC2
x=0 to 9 min. (0=immediately, without delay)
1 minute
ARC communication checking
(The time to wait after the last report
before performing an ARC
communication check)
07 a hhmm
a=1 ARC1, a=2 ARC2
hhmm = hours and minutes after last report
2400 (24 hours after last report)
Enable ARC reporting (ARC2
backs up ARC1)
00 a x
a=1 ARC1, a=2 ARC2
x=0 reports disabled, x=1 reports enabled, x=2
(only for ARC2) = ARC2 backs up ARC1
ARC reporting disabled
Recording reports sent to ARCs in
the control panel memory
08 x
x=0 no (only records ARC communication
faults, if communication checks are enabled)
x=1 yes (all reports except communication
Indicate an ARC communication
fault if a report is not successfully
received by an ARC within 110
sec of transmission.
09 x
x=0 no
x=1 yes
IP address for data transmission
013 xx..x 0
IP address and port in format – e.g..: 013
8 192 168 021 123 08080 0 (8 mark IP
address which must contain 12 digits, followed by
5 digits for the port.. Entering 0130 IP erase the
setting 7070
Locking the ARC settings
901 xx..x 0
xx..x = an installer-defined locking code (4 to 8
digits). Entering this code and then exiting
service mode will lock the ARC settings
9010 will erase the code (= permanently
Unlocking the ARC settings
900 xx..x 0
xx..x = the locking code used by sequence
ARC programming can be temporarily
enabled in service mode by entering this
sequence. It will then relock on exiting service
These parameters effect reporting to the ARC and it is impossible to change them if the ARC settings are locked.
* These parameters cannot be programmed from the system keypad, but they can be programmed by sending SMS instructions or by Comlink software.

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Bijvoorbeeld antisemitische inhoud, racistische inhoud, of materiaal dat gewelddadige fysieke handelingen tot gevolg kan hebben.

Bijvoorbeeld een creditcardnummer, een persoonlijk identificatienummer, of een geheim adres. E-mailadressen en volledige namen worden niet als privégegevens beschouwd.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Jablotron JA-80Y

Jablotron JA-80Y Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 16 pagina's

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