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The JA-80Y GSM communicator - 12 - MFJ55304
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7.6. A complete list of CID reports to ARCs
A report to an ARC consists of: installation ID, event code, subsystem
number and the number of the source (device or code). In IP CID and
SMS CID, in addition to this, a time stamp is also sent as follows.
List of the CID reports
CID code Event ec
1130 / 3130 Intruder alarm – instant / restored 1 / 9
1134 / 3134 Intruder alarm – delayed / restored 2 / 9
1110 / 3110 Fire alarm / restored 3 / 9
1120 / 3120 Panic alarm / restored 4 / 9
1461 / 3461 Number of incorrect code-entries exceeded
alarm / restored
5 / 9
1140 / 3140 Alarm triggered during control panel power-up /
6 / 9
1137 / 3137 Tamper alarm / no tampering 7 / 8
1144 / 3144 Device tamper alarm / no tampering 7 / 8
1406 Alarm cancelled by user 10
1401 / 3401 Unsetting / setting 12 / 11
3402 Partial setting 13
3408 Codeless complete setting 14
1354 / 3354 External communication fault / restored 15 / 16
1300 / 3300 Fault (except device) / all faults restored 17 / 18
1330 / 3330 Device fault / all faults restored 17 / 18
1301 / 3301 Mains dropout longer than 30 minutes /
19, 20 / 21
1302 / 3302 Battery fault (except devices) / all battery faults
22 / 23
1384 / 3384 Device battery fault / all battery faults restored 22 / 23
1306 / 3306 Switching to Service Mode / Leaving Service
24 / 25
1661 / 3661 PGX ON/OFF 26
1662 / 3662 PGY ON/OFF 27
1355 Radio communication jamming present 28
1350 / 3350 Internal communication fault / restored 29 / 30
1602 Communication test 31
1138 Unconfirmed alarm 32
1351 Communication fault to ARC1 to ARC2 if
1393 Annual check request 17
1551 / 3551 Communicator blocked / restored 31 only in
List of source numbers
701 Control panel
731 Communicator
741 Wired keypad
001 - 050 Devices 01 - 50
500 Master code
599 Service code
501 - 550 Codes 01 - 50
Subsystem: 01 in all reports
In a split system, for setting and unsetting: 02 = A, 03 = B
For partial setting: 02 = A, 03 = AB
8. Technical specifications
Power 12V DC (from the control panel)
Stand-by consumption about 35 mA (depends on the GSM signal)
Max. consumption (during communication) 1 A
GSM band E-GSM / GPRS 900/1800MHz
RF output power 2 W for GSM900, 1 W for GSM1800
AUX output dry NC contact, max. 60 VDC / 100 mA
Complies with EN 50131-1, EN 50136-2-1, as:
ATS4, ATS 5 if CID protocol is used and the repeating period is set to zero
(sequence 06a0)
Security grade 2
Operating environment ( –10 to 40°C) class II
Safety EN 60950-1
EMC ETSI EN 301489-1, ETSI EN 301489-7
EN 55022, EN 50130-4
Radio transmissions ETSI EN 301419-1 and EN 301511
CLIP protocol (caller ID + SMS) ETSI EN 300 089 V3.1.1(2000-12)
Can be operated according to: ERC/DEC 98(20,21)
Jablotron Ltd. hereby declares that the JA-80Y is in compliance with
the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
1999/5/EC. The original of the conformity assessment can be found
at www.jablotron.com
, - Technical Support section
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials
we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly to the
producer after use.

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Jablotron JA-80Y Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 16 pagina's

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