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UP Underfloor Heating Thermostat
Installation Instructions
3. Installation
3.1 Control Device: on a commercially available concealed socket, Ø 55.
Caution! The device should always be installed with its retaining ring on top of the wallpaper.
a) Remove housing cover. Pull off setting knob. Loosen lid screw. Remove lid.
b) Electrical supply: in accordance with circuit diagram; solid conductor-section 1 to 2,5 mm². No
earth lead required. Earth lead terminals is only used for looping through.
When mounted properly, the requirements of protection class II are fulfilled.
c) Fit the thermostat on to the socket using a thread-moulding Flush mounted socket screw.
d) Put on housing lid. To do this, the lid must slot into the top left of the housing base.
e) Continue as under a) but in the opposite direction.
3.2 Sensor:
The sensor must fulfil the requirements of protection class II and absolutely must be laid in a protective
tube, together with sensor cable H03VV. In this way, the sensor is protected from damp and can easily
be replaced in the event of repair.
4. Instructions for the Fitter
The I-O switch on the control device is a single-pole switch disconnecting the device from the
mains and interrupting the electric circuit to the heating resistor in the floor.
For work on the load circuit, the power supply must at all times be disconnected. e.g. the fuse
The relay contact is closed when the sensor is disconnected, when the sensor is short-circuit, the
relay contact is open.
In the event of a fault, electric potential may be present at the sensor.
5. Specifications
5.1 Control Device:
Order reference 0394 ..
Operating voltage AC 230 V 50 Hz
Permissible variation AC 195...253 V 50 Hz
Temperature range (number scale) , 2, 3, 4, 5 (= 10...50° C)
Switching current at AC 250 V 10 (4) A cos ϕ= 1
Breaking capacity 2,3 kW
Rated surge voltage 4,000 V
Switch Mains, "On/Off"
Red LED indicator Control device demands heat (heating operation)
Green LED indicator Temperature reduction "ON"
Contact (relay) 1 make contact (for heating) (not floating)
Temperature reduction (TA) approx. 5 K
Switching temperature difference approx. 1 K
Protective system conformity with EN 60529 housing in IP 20
Operating temperature T 40
Storage temperature -25 T 70
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Andere handleiding(en) van Gira 0394

Gira 0394 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Gira 0394 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Gira 0394 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

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