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authorities, or to one of the authorized dealers who provide
such a service. Separate disposal of electrical goods helps avoid
negative consequences for health and for the environment,
which can result from improper disposal. In addition, it allows
the materials of which the item is composed to be retrieved,
thus achieving an important saving of energy and resources.
In order to emphasize the obligation to dispose of electrical
items separately, the product carries the symbol of a rubbish
skip with a cross through it.
• Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/CE and successive
• DirectiveEMC2004/108/CEandsuccessiveamendments;
• Materialsandobjectsintendedtocomeintocontactwith
foodproducts conformtotheprescriptionsof European
Regulation 935/2004.
Disposal - Troubleshooting
Problem Possible causes Solution
The espresso coee no longer comes out
Lackofwaterinthetank Re-ll the water-tank
The holes in the lter-holder where the coee
emerges have become blocked
Clean out the holes of the lter-holder nozzles
The nozzle of the espresso boiler is clogged up Carry out a cleaning procedure as described in the
The espresso coee drips from the edge
of the lter-holder instead of through
the holes
The lter-holder has not been inserted properly Connect the lter-holder correctly and turn it forcibly
The washer on the espresso boiler has lost its
Obtain a replacement for the espresso boiler washer
from your Service Centre
The holes in the lter-holder nozzles are blocked Clean the holes of the nozzles
The espresso coee is cold
The OK light for espresso is not on when one presses
the coee supply switch
Wait for the OK light to come on
The pre-warming operation has not been done Carry out the pre-warming procedure as indicated
in the paragraph
The cups have not been pre-warmed Pre-warmthecupswithsomehotwater,orleave
them for at least 20 minutes on the cup-warming
shelf on the cover
High noise level from the pump
The water-tank is empty Fill the tank
The tank is not inserted properly and the valve on its
base is not open
on its base
The consistency of the coee is thin and
pale (it emerges rapidly from the spout)
The ground coee is insuciently tamped Tamp down the ground coee a bit harder (g. 18)
The quantity of ground coee is insucient Increase the quantity of ground coee
The coee is too coarsely ground Only use ground coee for espresso coee machines
The ground coee is not the correct type Change the type of ground coee
The consistency of the coee is thick and
dark (it emerges slowly from the spout)
The ground coee has been tamped too rmly Tamp the coee less rmly (g. 18)
Too much ground coee has been used Reduce the quantity of ground coee
The nozzle of the espresso boiler is clogged up Carry out a cleaning operation as described in the
The lter is blocked Carry out a cleaning operation as outlined in the
The ground coee is too ne or is damp Only use ground coee for espresso coee machines
and ensure it is not damp
The ground coee is not the correct type Change the type of ground coee powder

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi BCO410

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 4 pagina's

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