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17). If, on the other hand, you wish to make two coees,
ll the lter with two scant measures of ground coee
(about 6+6 gr.). Fill the lter with small quantities at a
time to avoid spillage of the ground coee.
To guarantee correct functioning, before relling the lter with
ground coee, ensure that it is free of any coee powder resi-
due from the previous infusion.
3. Distribute the ground coee evenly and press it down
lightly with the tamper (g. 18). The way in which the
ground coee is pressed down is a very important fac-
tor in obtaining a good espresso. If you press too rmly,
the coee will come out slowly and have a thick, dark-
coloured consistency. On the other hand, if you press too
lightly, the coee will come out too fast and will have a
thin, light-coloured consistency.
4. Remove any excess coee from the edge of the lter-
holder, and attach the latter to the machine. Rotate the
hand-grip rmly to the right (g. 14) to avoid any water
5. Positionthecuporcupsunderthenozzlesofthelter-
holder (g. 19). It is advisable to warm the cups before
making the coee, by rinsing them with a little hot wa-
6. Check that the OK light (g. 15) is on (if it is o, wait until
it comes on), and turn the selector knob to position
(g. 16). Once you have obtained the quantity of coee
you want, stop the process by rotating the selector knob
to position (g. 12). (It is advisable not to dispense
coee for more than 45 seconds)
7. To detach the lter-holder, rotate the hand-grip from
right to left.
Danger of scalding!
To avoid splashing, never detach the lter-holder while the
machine is dispensing.
8. To dispose of used coee, hold the lter fast while pres-
sing it with the appropriate lever incorporated into the
hand-grip. Then turn out the grounds by turning the
lter-holder over and rapping it sharply (g. 20).
9 . To switch o the coee machine, turn the selector knob to
position .
Preparation of espresso using pods
1. Carry out the preheating process as described in the para-
the lter-holder is left attached to the machine. By doing
this you will obtain hotter coee.
Take note:
Use pods which conform to the ESE standard. This is will
be printed on the packet with the following trademark.
The ESE standard is a system accepted by the
major pod manufacturers. It allows you to pre-
pare an espresso coee in a clean and simple
2. Insert the small lter into the lter-holder, ensuring that
the pin is correctly inserted into the proper slot, as indica-
ted in g. 13.
3. Insert the pod, centring it as far as possible over the lter
(g. 21). Always follow the instructions on the packet of
pods for correct positioning of the pod on the lter.
4. Attach the lter-holder to the machine, making sure you
rotate it fully (g. 14).
5. Proceedasinpoints5,6and7ofthepreviousparagraph.
To make cappuccino
1. Prepareespressocoeeasdescribeintheprecedingpara-
graphs, using suciently large cups.
2. Turn the selector knob to position (g. 22): the relative
light will come on.
3. Meanwhile, ll a receptacle with about 100 grams of milk
for every cappuccino that you want to prepare. The milk
should be cold, from the fridge (not hot!). When choosing
a receptacle, take note of the fact that the volume of the
milk will increase 2 or 3 times.
Take note:
You are advised to use semi-skimmed milk, at fridge tempe-
4. Posizionare il recipiente con il latte sotto il cappucci4.
Position the receptacle with the milk under the milk-
5. Wait until the OK light comes on. This indicates that the
boiler has reached the ideal temperature for steam pro-
duction. It is quite normal that in reaching the ideal tem-
perature there should be some small emissions of water
and steam into the drip-tray (N).
6. Extractthemilk-frotherbypullingitforwardandrotating
it to the left (g. 23). Be careful not to touch the hot boi-
ler nozzle while performing this operation. Then position
the receptacle containing the milk under the milk-frother
7. Immerse the milk-frother into the milk to the depth of a
few millimetres (g. 24). Rotate the steam-knob at least
half a turn in an anti-clockwise direction (g. 25). The
steam will emit from the milk-frother, giving the milk a
Preparation of espresso coee and Cappuccino

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi BCO410

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 4 pagina's

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