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disc into the hole of the washer indicated by the arrow in
g. 31.
• Reinstall this assembly in the steel lter container(g.
32), making sure that the pin is inserted into the hole of
the support itself (see the arrow in g. 32).
• Finally,screwupthetop.
The guarantee will not be valid if the cleaning procedure de-
scribed above is not carried out regularly.
Cleaning of the boiler nozzle
After about every 300 coees, the boiler nozzle should be clea-
ned in the following manner:
• Ensurethatthecoeemachineisnothot,andthatthe
plug is disconnected;
• Usingascrewdriver,undothescrewsholdingthenozzle
of the espresso boiler (g. 33);
• Removetheboilernozzle;
• Cleantheboilerwithawetcloth(g.33)
• Wash the nozzle thoroughly in hot water, scrubbing it
with a brush. Check that the small holes are not blocked
and, if necessary, clean them out with a pin (g. 30).
Rinse the nozzle under the tap, continuing to scrub it.
• Re-mounttheboilernozzle,takingcaretopositionitcor-
rectly on the washer.
The guarantee will not be valid if the cleaning procedure de-
scribed above is not carried out regularly.
Other cleaning operations
1. Donotusesolventsorabrasivedetergentstoclean the
machine. A soft, wet cloth is sucient.
2. Clean the lter-holder cup regularly, as well as the lters,
the drip-tray, and the water-tank. To empty the drip-tray,
remove the cup-stand grill, eliminate any water, and cle-
an the tray with a cloth: then re-assemble the drip-tray.
water. It is an electrical appliance.
De-scaling of the espresso coee section
It is advisable to de-scale the machine after about every 200
available from shops.
Follow the procedure below:
1. Fill the tank with the de-scaling solution, made by dilu-
ting the de-scaler with water according to the instruc-
tions on the packaging.
2. Switch on the machine by turning the selector knob to
position and wait for the OK light to come on.
3. Ensurethatthelter-holderisnotengagedandpositiona
receptacle under the nozzle of the machine.
4. Turn the selector knob to and allow about 1/4 of the
solution in the tank to ow out. Turn the steam knob from
time to time and let some of the solution escape through
the tube of the milk-frother. Then stop, turning the selec-
tor knob to and leave the solution to act for about 5
5. Repeat point 4 another 3 times, until the tank has been
emptied completely.
6. To eliminate the remains of the solution and the scale,
rinse out the tank thoroughly, and then rell it with clean
water (without de-scaler).
7. Turn the selector knob to (g. 16) and let the
water ow out until the tank is completely empty.
8. Repeat operations 6 and 7 once more.
Repairs to the machine due to problems with scale will not be
covered by the guarantee if the de-scaling procedure described
above is not carried out regularly.
De-scaling of the lter coee section
With time, the limestone content of the water can cause ob-
structions which may eect the correct functioning of the ap-
pliance. It is advisable to carry out de-scaling of the machine
after about every 40 uses. For this de-scaling procedure, use an
appropriate de-scaler for lter coee machines, available in the
shops. If such a product is not obtainable, the operation can be
carried out in the following way:
1. Pour4cupfulsofwaterintothejug;
2. Dissolve2spoonfuls(about30grams)ofcitricacidinthe
3. Putthejugonthehotplate;
4. Pressthe , switch, percolate the equivalent of a
cupful and then switch o the appliance;
5. Leavethesolutiontoactfor15minutes.Repeatopera-
tions 4 and 5 another time.
6. Switch on the machine and continue production until the
tank is completely empty.
7. Rinse out by running the appliance just using water at
least three times (3 full tanks of water).
Information regarding the correct disposal of the
When the product reaches the end of its useful life, it must
not be disposed of together with household refuse. It can be
taken to an appropriate recycling centre provided by the local
Cleaning - Descaling

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi BCO410

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 4 pagina's

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