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Antichlor lter (only in certain models)
The lter eliminates the taste of chlorine in the water. To install
the lter, proceed as follows:
• Releasethecontainerfromitsslotbypullingitupwards
(g. 1).
• Removetheantichlorlterfromtheplastic sachet and
rinse it under a running tap (g. 2).
• Openthecontainerandcarefullyputthelterinplaceas
shown in g. 2.
• Closethecontainer(g.2), and repositionitin its slot,
pushing it rmly downwards.
The antichlor lter should be replaced after 80 cycles, and at
least after every 6 months of operation.
Preparation of lter coee
• Openthelter-holderdoor,rotatingittowardstheright
(g. 3).
• Fillthejugtothelevelindicatorrelativetonumberofcups
of coee you wish to prepare, taking care not to exceed
the MAX level (g.4).
• Positionthepermanentlter(ifapplicable),orthepaper
lter, in the lter-holder (g. 6).
• Putthe groundcoeeinthelterusingthemeasuring
cup supplied, and level it o evenly (g. 7). As a general
rule, use a level measure of coee (approx 7 grams) for
every cup of coee required (for example, 10 measures to
obtain 10 cups).
• Closethelter-holderdoorandplacethejug,withcover
in place, onto the hot plate.
• Pressthe switch. The light on the switch itself
indicates that the lter coee-maker is in operation.
• Thecoeewillbegintocomeoutafterafewseconds.
It is perfectly normal for the appliance to emit steam while the
coee is percolating.
To keep the coee hot after the percolation process has ni-
shed, place the jug on the hot plate and leave the machine
turned on (with the lter coee light on): the coee in the jug
will be kept at the right temperature.
• Toturnothemachinepressthe switch.
Preparation of espresso coee
Take note:
Before using for the rst time, all the accessories should be wa-
shed and all the internal pipes of the appliance should be well
water have been emptied out. The coee can then be prepared
in the normal way.
Water-softening lter (only in certain models)
Certain models are equipped with a water-softening lter. To
install, proceed as follows:
1. Remove the lter from the packaging.
2. Rotate the calendar disc (see g. 8) to reveal the next two
months of use.
Take note:
The lter will last the equivalent of two months if the appliance
is used normally. If, on the other hand, the machine is left unu-
sed with the lter installed, it will last for the equivalent of 3
weeks, at maximum.
3. Rinsethelterwithatleast0.5Lofrunningwater(g.
4. Immerge the lter completely in a basin of water, tipping
it to allow any air bubbles to escape (g. 10).
5. Fill the water-tank, insert the lter in its proper slot (g.
11) and push it rmly down.
Pre-heating the coee machine
To obtain an espresso coee at the right temperature, you are
advised to pre-heat the machine in the following way:
1. Switch on the machine by turning the selector knob into
the position (the relative light will come on) (g.
12). Attach the lter-holder, complete with lter, to the
machine (g. 14), without lling it with ground coee.
as indicated in g 13. Use the smaller lter if you want to
make one cup of coee, or the larger lter if you wish to
make two.
2. Positionacupunderthelter-holder.Usethesamecup
in which you intend to make the coee, so that it will pre-
3. Wait for the OK light to come on (g. 15) and then imme-
diately turn the selector knob to position (g.16)Let
the water come out until the OK light goes o, then stop it
by turning the selector knob to position (g. 12) and
empty the cup.
(It is normal for a small, harmless pu of steam to escape while
the lter-holder is being detached).
Preparation of espresso with ground coee
1. First, pre-heat the machine and the lter-holder as descri-
bed in the previous paragraph. Use the smaller lter if you
want to make one cup of coee, or the larger lter if you
wish to make two.
2. If you only want to make one cup of coee, ll the lter
with a level measure of ground coee, about 7gr (g.
Preparation of lter and espresso coee

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi BCO410

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 4 pagina's

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