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creamy appearance and increasing its volume. To obtain
creamier foam, immerse the milk-frother in the milk and
move the container slowly upwards.
8. When the volume of the milk has doubled, immerse the
milk-frother fully and continue to heat the milk. When the
required temperature is reached (ideally 60°), together
with the right density of cream, cut o the steam supply
by turning the steam knob in a clockwise direction until it
stops, and rotating the selector to position . To turn
o the machine, turn the selector knob to position e .
9. Pourtheemulsiedmilkintothecupscontainingthepre-
viously prepared espresso coee. The cappuccino is now
ready. Add sugar to taste and, if desired, sprinkle a little
chocolate powder on the froth.
Take note:
• Ifyouwanttopreparemorethanonecappuccino,make
all the espresso coees together in advance and only then
prepare the whipped cream for all the cappuccinos.
• Ifyouwanttopreparesomemorecoeeafterwhipping
up the milk, wait until the boiler cools down, because
otherwise the coee will come out burnt.
To cool down the boiler, put a container under the boiler
nozzle; turn the selector knob to (g. 16); let the wa-
knob back to and prepare the coee as described in
the preceding paragraphs.
• Youareadvisednottoletthesteamcomeoutformore
than 60 seconds, and not to froth up the milk more than 3
times consecutively.
For reasons of hygiene you are recommended to always clean
1. Allow a little steam to escape for a few seconds (see
points 2, 5, and 6 of the preceding paragraph) by turning
the steam knob (g. 25). In this way, the milk-frother will
ush out milk that may have remained inside it. Turn o
the appliance by pressing the on/o button.
2. Grip the tube of the milk-frother rmly with one hand,
and with the other, release the milk-frother itself by tur-
ning it in a clockwise direction and unscrewing it down-
wards (g. 26).
3. Remove the steam nozzle from the supply tube by pulling
it downwards.
4. Wash the milk-frother and the steam nozzle thoroughly in
warm water.
5. Check that the two holes indicated by arrows in g. 27 are
not blocked. If necessary, clean them out with a pin.
6. Replace the steam nozzle, pushing it upwards quite force-
fully into the steam tube.
7. Re-mount the milk-frother by screwing it upwards in an
anti-clockwise direction.
Production of hot water
1. Switch on the machine by turning the selector knob to po-
sition (the relative light will come on) (g. 12). Wait
until the OK light shows (g. 15).
2. Positionareceptacleunderthemilk-frother.
3. When the OK light comes on, position the selec-
tor knob at (g. 16), simultaneously turning
the steam knob in an anti-clockwise direction (g.
25): hot water will come out of the milk-frother.
4. To stop the ow of hot water, turn the steam knob in a
clockwise direction and turn the selector knob to
(g. 12).
A maximum output of 60 seconds is advisable.
• Duringthecleaningoperation,neverimmersethemachi-
ne in water. It is an electrical appliance.
• Beforecarryingoutanycleaningoftheexternalpartsof
the appliance, switch o the machine, remove the plug
from the power socket and let the machine cool down.
Cleaning and maintenance of the espresso coee l-
After every 300 coees, or when the coee comes out of the
lter-holder in drops or fails to come out completely, clean the
lter-holder and the lters in the following manner:
• Removethelterfromthelter-holder.
• Undothetopofthelter(g.28),unscrewingitinthe
direction indicated on the top itself.
• Remove the frothing device from the container by pu-
shing it o the top part.
• Takeoutthewasher.
• Rinseallthecomponentsandcleanthemetalltertho-
roughly with hot water, scrubbing it with a brush (g. 29).
Check that the small holes in the lter are no blocked and,
if necessary, clean them out with a pin (see g. 30).
• Replacethelterandthewasherontheplasticdisc,as
shown in g. 31. Take care to insert the pin of the plastic
Production of hot water - Cleaning

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Andere handleiding(en) van DeLonghi BCO410

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

DeLonghi BCO410 Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 4 pagina's

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