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Q. Why do I still get interference even after channel selection has been performed?
A. This could be due to your local environment. Overhead power cables, local radio transmitters, tall
buildings, similar monitoring/radio equipment operating in your local area may create interference.
Q. Where can I obtain spare and replacement parts for my Tomy Walkabout Classic Advance?
A. Spare and replacement parts are available from our Careline; please refer to the customer care section within
these instructions for contact details.
Q. My monitor does not appear to have the required range?
A. The Walkabout Classic Advance is designed to have a range of approximately 300 metres in optimum (open
field) conditions. Environmental obstructions such as overhead power cables, local radio transmitters, tall
buildings etc may reduce the range. For best performance we recommend operating your monitor using the
mains adaptors supplied. If problem persists please contact the Tomy Careline.
ɀ The Baby Unit has a reassuring soft glow Night Light , which can be operated by both the Parent and
Baby Units by pressing the POWER/LIGHT button on either unit . (Note! Holding the POWER/LIGHT
button for more than 2 seconds will turn your monitor off ).
ɀ Every time the Night Light is turned ON/OFF via the Parent Unit, an audible click will sound through the
Parent Unit.
ɀ If powering the Baby Unit with the use of batteries, the Night Light function will fade out after 5 minutes,
otherwise the Night Light will remain illuminated until switched off.
ɀ The Talk-Back function allows you to talk to and reassure your baby by transmitting sound from your
Parent Unit to the Baby Unit
ɀ Press and hold the TALK button , and speak clearly into the Parent Units microphone . It is
important that the button is held down whilst talking. (Note: Normal monitoring will be temporarily
suspended whilst using Talk-Back).
TALK-BACK volume
ɀ To adjust the Talk-Back volume press and hold the TALK button with VOLUME +/– .
The Talk-Back volume can be adjusted from levels 1-9; each press will adjust the volume by one step.The
Parent Unit will emit a click every time the volume is adjusted.
ɀ Attach the Parent Unit to a belt or clothing using the clip at the back of
the Unit .
ɀ The Baby Unit can be mounted on a wall using the hanging slot on the
reverse of the unit . Ensure that the unit is safe and secure out of a child’s
reach and away from the cot.
ɀ Ensure all wiring is made safe and is fixed so that children cannot become
entangled and that no trip hazard is created.
Belt Clip

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