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Please refer to the fold out pages at the front of this booklet for detailed product illustrations; you will find it
useful to refer to these whilst reading this booklet.
ɀ Plug in both Units.
ɀ Place the Baby Unit within 1metre (3 feet) of your baby ensuring all parts are kept out of reach. Under no
circumstances should you place any parts of the monitor in or on a cot.
ɀ Ensure both units are more than 2 metres (6 feet) apart.
ɀ To activate, press the POWER/LIGHT button on both the Baby Unit and Parent Unit. (IMPORTANT!
To establish a quicker connection, activate the Baby Unit before the Parent Unit)
ɀ The (Green Light) Power Indicator at the front of both units will glow to indicate that both units
are active.
ɀ To turn the Units OFF, press & hold the POWER/LIGHT button on both units for two seconds .
The Tomy Walkabout Classic Advance is designed to help you monitor your child and is not a substitute for
adult supervision.
Always keep electrically operated items and their cables out of reach of babies and younger children.
Under no circumstances should the adaptors supplied with this monitor be used with any other equipment.
No other adaptors than those supplied should be used with your monitor.
Be careful not to position the adaptor where a child is likely to use it as a step. Putting weight on the
adaptor whilst it is plugged in could damage the unit or cause injury to your child.
Under no circumstances should you place any part of your monitor in or on a cot.
Ensure all wiring is positioned safely so that children cannot become entangled and no trip hazard is
The chargers may become hot during use – take care when handling, allow heat to disperse. DO NOT
COVER. Disconnect charger if the product will not be used for several days. To prevent a shock hazard, please
disconnect from power supply before cleaning.
Do not attempt to dismantle any part of this product.
This product is not a toy.
Take special care to ensure batteries are inserted correctly, observing (+) and (-) marks on battery and
product. Removal and replacement of batteries should be carried out by an adult or under adult
supervision. Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable batteries.
Rechargeable batteries must be removed from the monitor before recharging. Removal and recharging of
rechargeable batteries should be carried out by an adult or under adult supervision. Do not short circuit the
contacts in the battery compartment or the battery terminals.
Remove exhausted batteries from product. Do not mix old (used) and new batteries or batteries of different
types, eg. rechargeable and alkaline or batteries of different makes/brands. Dispose of exhausted batteries
safely, and never dispose of batteries in a fire. Remove batteries from product after use or if storing for long
periods. Only use batteries of the same or equivalent type to those recommended.
Do not immerse any parts in liquids.
Do not place in direct sunlight.
Periodically examine product for signs of damage to electrical parts and do not use until damage has been
properly examined.
Always remove batteries from both units if using the mains adaptors for long periods of time.

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