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Before you call,please read this instruction manual carefully.
When calling the Tomy Careline, please quote the model number of your Tomy Walkabout Classic
Advance which is 1243 and the date of purchase:
Contact us by calling 023 80662600 or by writing to us at TOMY Careline, PO BOX 20, Totton, Hants,
SO40 3YF or by clicking online at www.tomy.co.uk. Telephone lines open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm,
some calls may be monitored as part of our ongoing commitment to customer excellence.
If your monitor requires servicing, please send it to the Tomy Monitor Service Centre which offers a 48
hour express turnaround service.Tomy Monitor Service Centre, Units 6/9 South Hampshire Ind. Park,
Brunel Road,Totton, Hampshire, SO40 3SA.
Please retain your proof of purchase to validate your guarantee. Full details of your guarantee can be
obtained by contacting the Tomy Careline (details above). Please note your monitor is guaranteed
against manufacturing defects for two years from the date of purchase. This does not affect your
statutory rights.
Tomy declare that the Walkabout Classic Advance:
1. Is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions
of European Directive 1999/5/EC.
2. Has been tested to all essential radio test suites.
3. Is in conformity with all applicable essential requirements of all applicable EC Directives.
List of reference standards: EN301489-1, EN301489-3, EN61558-2-6, EN60065, EN50366, EN50371,
EN300220-1, EN300220-3, EN55014-1, EN55014-2, EN61000-3-2, EN61000-3-3.
Permitted countries of use: UK and Eire only
This declaration is issued under the sole responsibility of Tomy UK Ltd.,Totton, Hants, SO40 3SA. ENGLAND.
Head of Product Integrity
Power Supply: Mains adaptor rating: PRI: 230V 50Hz SEC: 7.5V 200mA 2VA
Batteries: Parent Unit – 3 x AA (LR6) 1.5v. Baby Unit – 4 x AA (LR6) 1.5v
Operating Range: 300m* in optimum open field’ conditions.
Operating Temperature: 0 - 50ºc
Frequencies – 49.820 – 49.980MHz
Transmission Power: <10mW.
We are delighted that you have
chosen the Tomy Walkabout
Classic Advance to monitor your
child. It is a high performance
monitor with advanced unique
technology specifically
designed for Tomy Monitors.
This monitor combines many
useful features including:
ɀ 2 way transmission of sound allowing you to talk to your baby as well as listen.
ɀ 4 Channel Selection for clear reception and reduced interference.
ɀ A secure link and privacy feature which prevents others from listening in.
ɀ Sound-Activated transmission – An option to set your monitor to Sound-Activated
transmission only (to conserve battery power).
ɀ Fully portable Parent & Baby Units.
ɀ Tomy’s original pioneering Moving Light Display - a great addition for monitoring
with or without sound.
ɀ A reassuring soft glow Night Light on the Baby Unit which can be remotely
operated from the Parent Unit.
__ / __ / __
Tomy UK Ltd., Totton, Hants. S040 3SA, England.
Please retain for future reference.
* in optimum open field’ conditions.
02/05 Rev.2
Ref No. 1243
Made in China

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