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When the batteries begin to run low in either Unit, the Parent Unit will give an audible and visual alarm
as follows:
ɀ 2 Beeps every 40 seconds: Baby Unit low battery (through the Parent Unit).
ɀ 3 Beeps every 40 seconds: Parent Unit low battery.
Green Power Light Indicators on both Units will change colour from green to red and flash in
sequence with the audio alarms.
NOTE! Audible beeps are only emitted through the Parent Unit to avoid disturbing your baby.
ɀ Tomy’s unique moving light display located on your Parent Unit allows you to monitor your baby
without sound, ideal for those quiet moments.
ɀ The light display consists of 5 green and 3 red coloured lights, the louder the noise of your baby, the more
lights will illuminate.
ɀ The light display is always active whilst your monitor is switched on.
ɀ The listening volume through your Parent Unit can be adjusted from levels 0-9, via the VOLUME +/ -
buttons . Each press will adjust the volume by one step.
ɀ The Parent Unit will emit a click every time the volume is adjusted.
ɀ Selecting level 0 will mute the sound, allowing you to monitor using the light display.
ɀ Your monitor has a Sound-Activated Transmission feature. Once this power saving feature is switched on,
the Parent Unit will remain silent (no transmission) until your baby stirs.
ɀ To change between continuous transmission or Sound-Activated Transmission, unscrew the Baby Units
battery compartment remove any batteries and move the switch to your prefered choice.
(see image below)
The Parent and Baby Unit will automatically try to connect to each other upon switching on.
No Connection
Should your monitor be unable to establish a connection or should the connection break during
transmission for a period of more than one minute a continuing beep will sound (through the parent unit)
until a connection is re-established.To re-establish a connection move the units back within range and if
necessary change to another channel. Should a connection not be made after 5 minutes the Baby Unit will
automatically switch off.
ɀ Your monitor has been carefully designed to operate at its best within a generous 300 metre range*
(suitable for the majority of household environments).
ɀ Moving the units within 2 metres of each other will result in the parent unit automatically switching to
mute, to avoid any annoying feedback.
ɀ The range and general quality of reception may vary depending on battery power and number of
obstructions such as walls, buildings etc.
ɀ For best performance we recommend both Units are operated using the mains adaptors supplied.
ɀ Although this monitor has a range of 300 meters (in optimum conditions) a baby should never be left
unattended at a distance which could delay prompt adult attention.
Out of range
As maximum range is reached, the Parent Unit will automatically switch the speaker to mute (to avoid hearing
a loud hiss) and the continuous beeping ‘loss of connection alarm will sound after 1 minute of no contact.
You can select one of the four channels to give you the best possible sound quality by pressing the
‘CHANNEL SELECT’ Button on the Parent Unit , this will synchronise both units to the next channel.
Unique transmission and scrambled audio between the Parent and Baby Units ensures total privacy.
ɀ The Baby Unit requires 4 x AA (LR6) 1.5v batteries, the Parent Unit requires 3 X AA (LR6) 1.5v batteries.
Please note; batteries are not included.
ɀ To insert batteries into either unit unscrew the battery compartment cover and insert the
required batteries ensuring the ‘+’& ‘-‘ are positioned correctly (see images opposite). Replace the
compartment cover; you are now ready for portable use.
We recommend the use of disposable alkaline batteries. Rechargeable batteries will give inferior performance.
ɀ For best performance we recommend both units are operated using the mains adaptors supplied.
ɀ Always remove batteries from both Units if using the mains adaptors for long periods of time.
Baby Unit Battery Compartment
and Sound-Activation Switch
Parent Unit
Battery Compartment

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