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Does the covering always jerk when it reaches its upper
final position?
With group movements, do the coverings behave differently?
After a mains power failure, are the coverings in the
wrong position?
Are the coverings not in the upper final position during
After installation, the covering cannot be moved upwards or
does it stop its run in the intermediate position and does it
jerk briefly in this position?
Do all coverings in a group have the same runtime,
although they are different lengths?
When teaching-in the runtimes or travel positions, is the
time is not accepted by all channels in a group?
Is positioning incorrect for the switching times
(the % value does not match the position of the
Does the LED set flash slowly in auto mode.
Is the intermediate position incorrect?
Does the LED set flash rapidly?
Can it be moved down when teaching-in ventilation
position/ turn/fabric tightening?
Does a new fabric tightening has to be taught in for
the awning?
Do the blinds not tuun in the lower final position?
The runtime has not been taught-in.
Different covers such as shutters and blinds are mixed in a
group, or a part of a group’s channels are in “Learning the
run positions”.
The coverings are not in the same phase as the LUXOR
When the LUXOR device is started-up, the covering is not
in its upper final position. No runtime has been taught-in.
The runtime has been taught-in to already formed groups
via the group key.
Not all selector switches were set to “learn”.
The runtime has not been taught-in or has not been
taught-in correctly.
- Short-circuit on the COM bus
- Polarity of the COM connections on the device is reversed
Motor continues to run
During a programming process another programming pro-
cess was attempted to be activated, or a selector switch was
in program mode when power was restored.
No negative ventilation position/turn/fabric tightening can
be taught in.
The fabric tightening should be taught in from the lower
final position. However, automatic fabric tightening is per-
Function required for the blinds to be able to close during
the night via automatic run command.
Teach-in runtime (see chapter 6.0)
Only use one type of covering in a group; apply long keys-
troke on the group run sensor or set all channels in a group
to “Learning runpositions”.
- Connect the device to be controlled and its
covering to the same phase.
- Move the coverings to the upper final position by hand.
If the covering stops, briefly press the DOWN push button.
The copvering can now be moved UP again for 20
seconds. Repeat the procedure until the covering is in its
upper final position.
- Move the coverings to the upper final position by hand.
If the covering stops, briefly press the DOWN push but-
ton. The copvering can now be moved UP again for 20
seconds. Repeat the procedure until the covering is in its
upper final position.
Teach-in runtime first (see chapter 6.0)
Teach-in the channels separately before forming the groups.
Set all selecter switches in a group to “learn”.
Teach-in correct runtime (see chapter 6.0)
Check connection.
Run the covering to the upper final position, wait 20
seconds before continuing.
Set all the selector switches on the relevant devices to P1
to P3 or auto.
Only teach-in in UP direction.
Set selecter switch to program 4 and run the covering to
the lower final position. You can now start the teach-in
Double-click on the UP switch in the lower final position or
program the switching time position to 99.5 % instead of
100 %.
Theben AG
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72401 Haigerloch
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Andere handleiding(en) van Theben LUXOR 409 S

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 6 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 6 pagina's

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