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1122..00 MMaaiinnss ppoowweerr ffaaiilluurree
Taught-in run positions and channel assignments are saved.
If there is a power cut during a run, the last automatic run command is com-
pleted when power is restored. Manual runs are not repeated.
When power is restored, a review is carried out on LUXOR 414 and the
covering moved to the corresponding position.
It sun protection is active, it is reactivated.
The covering remains in its current position.
1133..00 DDiiooddee mmoodduullee ((990077 00 336677))
The DOWN function is achieved by connecting diode module 907 0 367 in
series (any installation direction) with a push button.
The UP function is achieved by switching a push button parallel to this series
connection (without diode module).
1144..00 TTeecchhnniiccaall ddaattaa
Operating voltage: 230 V AC, + 10 %/ - 15 %
Mains frequency: 50 Hz
Power consumption: 4 VA
Push button / switch connecting cable: 230 V phase-independent
Push button / switch cable length: up to 100 m (NYM, H05/H07, NYIF)
2-wire connection for COM: Any cross-section / max. length 100 m
Permissible ambient temperature:–10 °C... +50 °C
Protection class: II in accordance with EN 60730-1 for
designated installation
Protection rating: IP 20 in accordance with EN 60529
Switching outputs: 6 A at 250 V AC, cos ϕ = 1
Mode of operation: RS Type 1B in accordance with EN 60730-1
Runtime: max. 3 min
Slip correction: 20 s
Pollution degree: 2
Please refer to the LUXOR manual for detailed functional descriptions at
ww ww ww..tthheebbeenn..ddee
1111..00 FFuunnccttiioonn iinn ccoommbb.. wwiitthh sseennssoorr mmoodd.. LLUUXXOORR 441111
If a sensor module LUXOR 411 is connected to the LUXOR system, the shutter
channels can be switched irrespective of environ-mental influences such as sun,
twilight, wind, rain, temperature and frost (awnings only).
The sensor module assigns the sensor functions to the shutter channels.
Allocation of sensor functions to the shutter channels is performed in tandem
with programming groups , G1 to G3.
SSuunn pprrootteeccttiioonn ffuunnccttiioonn
The sun protection function only functions in auto mode. It is only
triggered above the intermediate position.
If the set light threshold is exceeded, the covering moves to the taught
intermediate position. If the light threshold is notachieved it returns
to the upper final position.
Semi-automatic function (awnings only): Semi-automatic mode is active
if the sun protection function has been assigned to a channel and a run key
has been pressed. At sunrise or sunset, this mode is deactivated and the
awning moves into its upper final position.
Blocking times with sun protection function (only with LUXOR 414)
The purpose of this function is to stop a covering moving out too early, or in
too late.
1. Morning blocking time: The covering does not move before
the programmed time.
2. Evening blocking time: The covering moves up no later than the
programmed time, although the set light threshold
has been exceeded.
TTwwiilliigghhtt ffuunnccttiioonn
(only with LUXOR 414)
If the set threshold value is not acjieved for a certain length of time, the
covering moves to the lower final position.
The twilight function is permitted only after 12:00 hrs and only once per
The covering can only be moved back up via a switching time or manually.
Turns are not performed if the blinds are in operation.
The sun protection function only functions in auto mode.
Blocking times with twilight function (only with LUXOR 414)
The morning blocking time is irrelevant for the twilight function.
The evening blocking time means that the covering does not move before
the programmed time.
WWiinndd ffuunnccttiioonn
Exceeding the set threshold value results in movement to upper final
position and underrunning to the original position.
The covering cannot be controlled manually while the wind function is
active (indicated by a jerk).
RRaaiinn ffuunnccttiioonn
The covering is immediately retracted if it starts to rain.
The covering now no longer moves out automatically. However, it can be
operated manually.
The rain function remains active for a defined time after the rain stops.
The covering is then returned to its original position.
FFrroosstt ffuunnccttiioonn ((aawwnniinnggss oonnllyy))
In the event of frost (<3 °C), the awning is not moved out.
Automatic run is blocked, although manual movement is possible.
When the frost alarm is triggered, the covering is moved to its original
TTeemmppeerraattuurree ffuunnccttiioonn
If the set temperature threshold is exceeded the channels run to the
lower final position provided the channel is in automatic mode.
If the set temperature is not achieved, it returns to the original position
unless a new position is not approached by sending a command to
LUXOR 414.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Theben LUXOR 409 S

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 6 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 6 pagina's

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