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TTeeaacchhiinngg--iinn vveennttiillaattiioonn ppoossiittiioonn oorr ffaabbrriicc ttiigghhtteenniinngg//
ttuurrnn ((oonnllyy ffrroomm lloowweerr ffiinnaall ppoossiittiioonn))
Perform the same steps as above. To start and end the teach-in
process, use the external UP push button.
PPrrooggrraamm 22 ((aawwnniinngg))
Program 2 controls the awning.
AAuuttoommaattiicc ooppeerraattiioonn
t always moves to the assigned taught
Automatic fabric tightening is performed
providing the fabric tightening time has
been taught-in and moved to the lower end position.
SSeemmii--aauuttoommaattiicc ooppeerraattiioonn
If the light value of 100 lx is not achieved or is exceeded, the semi-automatic
function is deactivated and the awning is moved to the lower end position.
MMaannuuaall ooppeerraattiioonn wwiitthh kkeeyy ccoommmmaannddss
Covering comes to a stop if any push button is pressed for the corresponding
channel during the run.
The LED for the corresponding channel lights up in the direction of travel during
the run.
PPrrooggrraamm 33 ((bblliinnddss))
Program 3 controls the blinds.
AAuuttoommaattiicc ooppeerraattiioonn
t always moves to the assigned taught
If a turning time has been taught-in turns
are added – except for moving to the
to the lower end position (with dimming function).
MMaannuuaall ooppeerraattiioonn wwiitthh kkeeyy ccoommmmaannddss
Covering comes to a stop if any push button is pressed for the corresponding
channel during the run.
The LED for the corresponding channel lights up in the direction of travel during
the run.
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 1
Channel 2
PPrrooggrraamm 44 TTeeaacchhiinngg LLEEAARRNN PPOOSSIITTIIOONN
In program 4 you can teach the intermediate and ventilation position and the
fabric tightening/turning.
TTeeaacchhiinngg iinntteerrmmeeddiiaattee ppoossiittiioonn ((ffrroomm tthhee uuppppeerr eenndd
Teach the runtime first before teaching an intermediate
or ventilation position or fabric tightening/turn.
1. Set learning mode
Move selecter switch to position 4.
2. Start of teach-in process
Double click the external
DOWN push button. The start of the
teach-in process is indicated by a jerk
of the covering.
3. Define position
Use the external UP/DOWN push button to move to desired position.
4. Store position
Double click the external DOWN push button. The end of the
teach-in operation is indicated by a jerk.
5. End
Put the selector switch back to the required covering.
PP rreessss DDOOWWNN ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn ttwwiiccee
With taught intermediate position:
Shutters move downwards.
Without taught intermediate position:
Shutters move right down to
the lower end position.
PP rreessss UUPP ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn ttwwiiccee
With taught ventilation position:
Shutters move down to taught
ventilation position.
Without taught ventilation position:
Shutters move right down to
the lower end position.
BBrriieeffllyy pprreessss DDOOWWNN ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn
With taught fabric tightening:
Awning moves downwards
(+ fabric tightening).
Without taught fabric tightening:
Awning moves to lower final position.
PP rreessss DDOOWWNN ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn
With taught fabric tightening:
Awning moves downwards
(+ fabric tightening).
Without taught fabric tightening:
Awning moves to lower final position.
PP rreessss DDOOWWNN ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn ttwwiiccee
With taught intermediate position:
Awning moves to intermediate
Without taught intermediate position:
With taught fabric tightening:
Awning moves downwards and com-
pletes fabric tensioning.
Without taught fabric tightening:
Awning moves to lower final position.
ieeffllyy pprreessss UUPP ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn
Awning moves right to the top
(upper end position)
PP rreessss UUPP ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn
Awning moves right to the top
(upper end position)
PP rreessss UUPP ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn ttwwiiccee
With taught fabric tightening:
Awning performs fabric tightening.
Without taught fabric tightening:
Awning does not move.
BBrriieeffllyy pprreessss DDOOWWNN ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn
Blind in upper end position:
Blind moves right down to bottom
(lower final position)
Blind not in upper end position:
Blinds move downwards.
PP rreessss DDOOWWNN ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn
Blind moves to lower final position.
PP rreessss DDOOWWNN ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn ttwwiiccee
With taught intermediate position:
With taught turn: Blinds
move to taught-in intermediate po-
sition and complete turn.
Without taught turn: Blinds move to
taught intermediate position
Without taught intermediate position:
With taught turn:
Blind moves downwards.
Without taught turn:
Blind moves to lower final position.
BBrriieeffllyy pprreessss UUPP ppuusshh b
he blind turns upwards.
PP rreessss UUPP ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn
Awning moves right to the top
(upper end position)
PP rreessss UUPP ppuusshh bbuuttttoonn ttwwiiccee
With taught turn:
The blind turns upwards.
Without taught turn:
The blind does not move.
Channel 1
Channel 2
Press UP push button:
Press DOWN push button:
Press DOWN push button twice: Press UP push button twice:
Briefly press UP push button:
Briefly press DOWN push button:
Press DOWN push button twice:
Press UP push button twice:
Briefly press UP push button:
Press UP push button:Press DOWN push button:
Briefly press DOWN push button:
Press DOWN push button twice: Press UP push button twice:

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Andere handleiding(en) van Theben LUXOR 409 S

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 6 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

Theben LUXOR 409 S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 6 pagina's

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