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Using this Instruction Booklet
Thank you for purchasing a SAMSUNG microwave oven. Your Owner’s
Instructions contains much valuable information on cooking with your
new microwave oven:
Safety precautions
Accessories and cookware
Useful cooking tips
Inside the cover you will find a quick look-up guide explaining three basic
cooking operations:
Cooking (microwave mode)
Adding an extra 30 seconds, if the dish is inadequately
cooked or requires additional reheating
At the end of the booklet you will find illustrations of the oven, and more
importantly the control panel, so that you can find the buttons more easily.
The illustrations in the step-by-step procedures use two different symbols.
Failure to observe the following safety precautions may result in harmful exposure to
microwave energy.
(a) Under no circumstances should any attempt be made to operate the oven with
the door open or to tamper with the safety interlocks (door latches) or to insert
anything into the safety interlock holes.
(b) Do not place any object between the oven door and front face or allow food or
cleaner residues to accumulate on sealing surfaces. Ensure that the door and
door sealing surfaces are kept clean by wiping after use first with a damp cloth
and then with a soft dry cloth.
(c) Do not operate the oven if it is damaged until it has been repaired by a
qualified microwave service technician trained by the manufacturer. It is
particularly important that the oven door closes properly and that there is no
damage to the:
(1) Door (bent)
(2) Door hinges (broken or loose)
(3) door seals and sealing surfaces
(d) The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone other than a properly
qualified microwave service technician trained by the manufacturer.
Safety Precautions
Before cooking food or liquids in your microwave oven, please check
that the following safety precautions are taken.
Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens;
use any metallic containers, Dinnerware with gold or silver
trimmings, Skewers, forks, etc.
Remove wire twist ties from paper or plastic bags.
: Electric arcing or sparking may occur and may damage the oven.
When heating food in plastic or paper containers, keep an eye on the oven
due to the possibility of ignition;
Do not use your microwave oven to dry papers or clothes.
Small amounts of food require shorter cooking or heating time.
If normal times are allowed they may overheat and burn.
If smoke is observed, switch off or unplug the appliance and keep the door
closed in order to stifle any flames;
Microwave heating of beverages can result in delayed eruptive boiling,
therefore care must be taken when handling the container; To prevent this
allow a standing time of at least 20 seconds after the oven has been
switched off so that the temperature can equalize.
Stir during heating, if necessary, and ALWAYS stir after heating.
In the event of scalding, follow these FIRST AID instructions:
* Immerse the scalded area in cold water for at least 10 minutes.
* Cover with a clean, dry dressing.
* Do not apply any creams, oils or lotions.
fill the container to the top and choose a container that is wider at the
top than at the bottom to prevent the liquid from boiling over. Bottles with
narrow necks may also explode if overheated.
heat a babys bottle with the teat on, as the bottle may explode if
The contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars shall be stirred or shaken
and the temperature checked before consumption, in order to avoid burns;
Eggs in their shell and whole hard-boiled eggs should not be heated in
microwave ovens since they may explode, even after microwave heating has
Also do not heat airtight or vacuum-sealed bottles, jars, containers, nuts in
shells, tomatoes etc.
The oven should be cleaned regularly and any food deposits removed;
Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of
the surface that could adversely affect the life of the appliance and possibly
result in a hazardous situation;
cover the ventilation slots with cloths or paper. They may catch fire
as hot air is evacuated from the oven.
The oven may overheat and automatically switch itself off. It will remain
inoperable until it has cooled sufficiently.
use oven gloves when removing a dish from the oven to avoid
unintentional burn.
Important Note

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung CE 1000

Samsung CE 1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

Samsung CE 1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 36 pagina's

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