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Cooking Instructions On Food Packaging
Microwave Symbols
On the front of your oven there is a smart oven symbol, as shown below.
This symbol has been introduced for your benefit when cooking or reheating
packaged food.
Packaged food is also, increasingly, using a microwave symbol similar to the one below.
When you see this
Symbol on food packaging, the cooking instructions are based on either the IEC
Power Output Rating, or the Reheating Categories A, B, C, D or E.
Cooking Instructions
The IEC Power Output rating is an internationally standardised rating, so all microwave
manufacturers now use the same method of measuring power output.
If food packaging gives cooking instructions based on IEC Power ratings, set cooking
times according to the IEC Power of your oven.
For example :
If the cooking instructions are based on a 650W oven, then you will need to reduce some
cooking time for the CE1000 / CE1000T (900W).
Ready meals are now very convenient and popular. These are meals which are already
prepared and cooked by the food manufacturer, and then frozen, chilled or vacuum
sealed for long life.
Increasingly, heating times for such ready meals are being based on the Heating
Categories A, B, C, D and E.
On this instance, simply match the heating category of your oven to the instructions on
the food package, and set your timer accordingly.
For example :
If the heating instructions are 3 minutes on HIGH for a D category oven, then you will
need to set your timer for less than 3 minutes on HIGH for the CE1000 / CE1000T (E
Always remember that cooking instructions are intended only as a guide.
If you have followed the instructions and the food is still not piping hot
throughout, simply return it to the oven and cook it until it is.
Technical Specifications
SAMSUNG strives to improve its products at all times. Both the design
specifications and these user instructions are thus subject to change
without notice.
Power source
230 V ~ 50 Hz AC
Power consumption
Maximum power
Grill (heating element)
Convection (heating element)
2700 W
1400 W
1250 W
Max. 2050 W
Output power
100 W / 900 W - 6 levels (IEC-705)
240V : 900W
230V : 850 W
Operating frequency
2450 MHz
(W x D x H)
Oven cavity
517.4 x 494.5 x 297.3 mm
352 x 348 x 235 mm
1.0 Cubic feet
Net 18.5 kg approx.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Samsung CE 1000

Samsung CE 1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 32 pagina's

Samsung CE 1000 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 36 pagina's

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