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Read this manual carefully, observe all recommended safety precautions (WARNINGS) before,
during and after using your machine, and maintain your machine in good working order.
Familiarize yourself with the controls on your machine before attempting to operate it, but
above all, be sure that you know how to stop your machine in an emergency. Retain this
manual and all literature supplied with your machine for future reference.
Always disconnect your machine from the electrical supply before cleaning, inspecting or
adjusting any part of it, or if the supply cable has become damaged or entangled.
To protect your feet, always wear stout shoes or boots. Freshly cut grass
is damp and slippery. Do not mow in barefoot or in open sandals.
Always check that your lawn or cutting path is clear of all sticks, stones, wire or other
debris. Contact with such debris may damage your machine and could be thrown by the
Wear long trousers to protect your legs- any debris left on the lawn or cutting path may be
thrown by the blade.
Do not use your machine in the rain and do not allow it to get wet. And avoid using the
machine in wet grass if possible.
Before using your machine disconnect from the electrical supply and visually inspect the
blade and rotating parts for damage.
Damaged blades and worn bolts are major hazards. Also check that the blade is securely
clamped. Check all nuts and bolts frequently.
Do not operate your machine if any parts are defective. Discard all the defective and fit new
parts before use. Always be sure that your machine is in a safe operating condition. Only fit
original replacement parts. Parts not produced by manufacturer may cause poor fit and
possible injury.
Do not allow children, animals or other adults near your machine when in use- always keep
them at least 6m (20ft) away from the cutting area.
Start your machine carefully with feet well away from the blades.
When the motor is running the safety distance, given by the handle, must always be
Do not leave your machine unattended whilst it is connected to the electrical supply.
Never allow children or people unfamiliar with these instructions to use the lawn mower.
Local regulations may restrict the age of the operator.
Keep in mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to
other people or their property.
This machine is fitted with a blade brake which stops the blade from rotating within 3
seconds once the switch box lever is released.
Under no circumstances should you attempt to turn your machine over on to its side whilst
the motor is still running, or attempt to stop the blade-always allow it to stop on its own.
If the blade strikes an object, release the switch lever at once, disconnect your machine
from the electrical supply and, when the blade is stationary, turn your machine on to its
side and examine the blade and nut for damage and let specialized service station to repair
the damage before restarting and operating the mower.
Always disconnect your machine from the electrical supply before lifting or carrying.
Stop the blade if the lawnmower has to be tilted for transportation when crossing surfaces
other than grass, and when transporting the lawn mower to and from the area to be

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POW63655

Powerplus POW63655 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW63655 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POW63655 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW63655 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 2 pagina's

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