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Do not tilt the lawn mower when switching on the motor, except if the lawnmower has to be
tilted for starting. In this case, do not tilt it more than absolutely necessary and lift only the
part which is away from the operator.
Do not pull your machine towards you or walk backwards when mowing.
Walk, never run.
Always mow across the face or slopes, never up and down. Exercise extreme caution
when changing direction on slopes. Do not mow excessively steep slopes and always wear
non-slip foot wear.
Mow only in daylight or in good artificial light.
Never use the mower without the grass-bag in place.
Check grass bag frequently for wear or damage.
Switch the motor off and wait until the blade comes to a complete stop before removing the
grass catcher or unclogging chute.
Disengage the self-proppelled mechanism or drive clutch on units so equipped before
switching on the motor.
Never attempt to make a wheel height adjustment while the motor is running.
Do not switch on the motor when standing in front of the discharge chute.
Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts. Keep clear off the discharge opening
at all times.
If the equipment should start to vibrate abnormally, switch off the motor and check
immediately for the cause. Vibration is generally a warning of trouble.
The cutting edges of the mower blade are sharp and can lacerate (cut) skin tissue. Care
should be taken when doing any repair work on or around the mower blade. To prevent
injury, it is recommended that gloves be worn or the cutting edge be wrapped with
newspaper or any other suitable material when working on the blade.
Do not use solvent or cleaning fluids to clean your machine-use a blunt scraper to remove
grass and dirt. Always disconnect from the electrical supply before cleaning.
Store your machine in a dry place when not in use, preferably out of the reach of children.
Your machine is designed for use on a.c. (mains) electrical supplies only –do not attempt to
use on any other supply. Plug your machine into a power point –not a light socket.
Your machine is double insulated. This means that all external metal parts are
electrically isolated from the power supply. This is achieved by placing an extra insulation
barrier between the electrical and mechanical parts. Double insulation means greater
electrical safety and obviates the necessity of having the machine earthed.
Always keep the electrical supply cable away from the blades-be aware of its position at all
The extension cable should always be secured firmly on the supporting hook (situated at
the top of the handle pipe) to prevent it from being damaged while the mower is in use.
Never carry your machine by the cable or jerk the cable to separate the connectors. Keep
the cable away from heat sources, oils or sharp edges. Check the condition of your cable
before use and do not use if damaged.
Your machine should always be switched off at the electrical supply, before disconnecting
any plug and socket connector, or extension cables.
WARNING: do not use an extension cable which shows signs of damage. Fit a new cable
complete-do not make any permanent of temporary repairs.
Pull the plug from the socket:
whenever you leave the machine.
before clearing a blockage.
before checking, cleaning or working on the appliance.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POW63655

Powerplus POW63655 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW63655 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POW63655 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW63655 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 2 pagina's

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