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after striking a foreign object. Inspect the appliance for damage and make repairs as
if the appliance Starts to vibrate abnormally (check immediately).
Some parts of the lawnmower have been dismantled for transport purpose. The screws,
wheels, handwheels, cable clips and screwdrivers are to be found in plastic bags. Assembly is
simple if you follow these instructions:
4.1 Grass box
Put the textile bag and steel frame together (Fig. 2)
4.2 Handle
Remove the lawnmower from the packaging and connect the deck and the connecting
pipes with screws provided in place.
Slide the hook for the extension cable onto the lower handle pipe
Assemble the lower handle pipe to the lawnmower with supplied bolts and nuts as shown
in fig 4
Insert the nuts in the plastic hand wheels supplied (Fig. 3).
Attach the handle pipe to the connecting pipe using the round-headed screws supplied
(Fig. 5).
Fasten the cable leading from the switch -plug combination to the motor along the
connecting pipes using the cable clips supplied (Fig. 1).
4.3 Fitting the logo plate
Fit the logo plate (13) by putting it on the handle pipe (9) (Fig. 5).
4.4 Assembly of wheels and adjusting the cutting height
Assembly 4 wheels into 4 supporters in deck. Don't forget to put the necessary grommet
into the supporter of wheel before assembly of wheel (Fig. 3).
Adjusting the cutting height
The cutting height is adjusted directly at the four wheels using the height setting handles.
Six different cutting height settings are available for each individual wheel. All the wheels
have to be adjusted to the same height for mowing.
4.5 Starting the lawnmower
Before you start mowing, make sure the cutting tools and their fasteners are neither blunt
nor damaged in any way. If necessary, replace any blunt or damaged cutters. Pull out the
power plug before checking.
To prevent the lawnmower being started inadvertently, the switch -plug combination is
fitted with a safety pressure switch (Fig. 6 No.A) which must be depressed before the
switch lever (Fig. No.B) can be pulled. When the switch lever is released, the safety
pressure switch has to return to its starting position.
Make sure the extension cable is not within range of the lawnmower blade. Depress the
safety pressure switch and pull the switch lever (Fig. 6).
Before you start mowing, practice this operation a few times to ensure that everything
functions properly.
Before carrying out any adjustments or repairing work on your lawnmower, wait until the
blade stops rotating.
Always disconnect the power plug before carrying out any adjustment, maintenance and
repair work.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POW63655

Powerplus POW63655 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW63655 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POW63655 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW63655 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 2 pagina's

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