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Danger of chemical burns!
Protect your
eyes and skin against chemical burns caused by
acid (sulphuric acid) upon contact with the bat-
tery! Do not look directly at the connected battery
and use the following: acid-resistant safety glasses,
clothing and gloves! If your eyes or skin come into
contact with sulphuric acid, rinse the aff ected part
of the body with plenty of clear running water and
seek immediate medical assistance!
Avoid an electric short-circuit when connecting the
appliance to the battery. Connect the positive pole
terminal clamp only to the positive pole of the bat-
tery. Connect the negative pole terminal clamp only
to the negative pole of the battery.
Connect the terminal clamps (“–“ and “+“) only to
the insulated area!
Attention! Avoid damage caused by
improper use!
Only use the appliance with the included original
Protect the contact surfaces of the battery.
First connect the red quick-connect terminal clamp
to the positive pole (+) of the battery.
Then connect the black quick-connect terminal
clamp to the negative pole (-) of the battery.
The appliance can be fastened to the vehicle chas-
sis during the measurement using the magnetic strip
on the back of the appliance.
Testing a battery and generator
Battery test / start capacity
If only the 11.5 volt LED lights up, the charge of the
battery is weak. The battery must be recharged.
If the 12 volt LED also lights up, the battery is half
charged. Recharging of the battery is recommended.
If the 12.6 volt LED also lights up, the battery is
fully charged and capable of starting.
Attention! Property damage! Before
charging, learn about how to maintain the battery
by reading its operating instructions!
IB_102615_PAWSB12A1_LB3.indd 2IB_102615_PAWSB12A1_LB3.indd 2 04.07.14 11:5104.07.14 11:51

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