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LBefore you call an engineer
If you have any problems using this DVD recorder, the reason may be one of the following. You
can also call the customer service centre in your country.
The telephone numbers can be found on the back of this instruction manual.
Have the model number (MODEL NO) and the production number (PROD.NO) of your
recorder ready.
The serial number (PROD. NO.) is printed on the type plate at the back.
Your recorder does
not respond to any
button being pressed
and the display shows
'IS TV ON?':
bRecorder in initial installation mode: Switch on the TV, switch over to the DVD recorder socket.
Now the menu for language selection should appear. Please read paragraph 'Initial Installation' in
the chapter 'Installing your DVD Recorder'.
The device does not
react when you press a
button, although the
remote control works:
b'Dealer-Mode' is switched on: All buttons on the front of the set are locked.
Switch off the function:
1 Pull out the mains plug from the wall outlet.
2 Press and hold down hSTOP and OPEN/CLOSE and put back the mains plug into the
wall outlet.
3 As soon as the time or '--:--' appears in the display (ca. 6 - 10 seconds), release
Your DVD recorder
does not respond to
any button being
bThere is no power supply: check the power supply
bA programmed recording (Timer) is currently being made: If desired, cancel the programmed
recording (Timer) with STANDBY m .
bThere is a technical problem: disconnect from the mains power supply for 30 seconds, then
connect again.
If this doesn't help, you can reset your DVD recorder to the default factory settings.
Resetting the machine
to the default factory
All the information stored (TV channels, time and date, TIMER) will be lost.
1 Disconnect from the mains power supply.
2 Press and hold down the STANDBY/ON button on the device and reconnect to the mains
power supply.
3 Release the STANDBY/ON button when 'IS TV ON?' appears on the display. All the
information stored (TV channels, time and date, TIMER) will be lost.
Please read paragraph 'Initial Installation' in the chapter 'Installing your DVD Recorder'.
Remote control does
not work:
bRemote control not pointed toward the DVD recorder: Point the remote control at the machine.
bThere is a technical problem: Take out the batteries, wait for 10 seconds and put them in again.
bBatteries are flat: Change the batteries.
Before you call an engineer

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips DVDR890

Philips DVDR890 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 89 pagina's

Philips DVDR890 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 89 pagina's

Philips DVDR890 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 91 pagina's

Philips DVDR890 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 87 pagina's

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