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EMPTYDISC The disc inserted is either new or has been completely erased (no
PROTECTED The disc is protected against recording.
MAX TITLE The maximum number of titles per disc has been reached. The
maximum number of titles per disc is 48.
MAX CHAP The maximum number of chapters per title/disc has been reached. The
maximum number of chapters per title is 99, and 124 per disc.
DISC FULL The disc is full. There is no space for new recordings
PAL DISC A disc with PAL recordings has been inserted. The machine is trying to
record an NTSC signal. Insert a new disc or one that contains NTSC
NTSC DISC A disc with NTSC recordings has been inserted. The machine is trying
to record a PAL signal. Insert a new disc or one that contains PAL
RECORDING An illegal action (e.g. OPEN/CLOSE button) was attempted during
FREETITLE Playback was started for an empty title or the following title is empty
DISC LOCK An attempt has been made to record during playback of a protected
disc. This message appears if an attempt is made to insert a chapter
marker ( EDIT button).
DISC ERR An error occurred when the title was being written. If this error keeps
occurring, please clean the disc or use a new one.
You will find information on how to clean the disc in the next chapter in
the section 'Cleaning the discs'.
DISC WARN An error occurred when writing the title. Recording was continued; the
error was skipped
SETUP After the automatic channel search, the menu for time/date settings
appears on the screen.
WAIT 01 During the automatic channel search, the TV channels found will be
BLOCKED It is not possible to close/open the disc tray.
SAFE REC The new recording will be made at the end of all the other recordings
EASYLINK The 'EasyLink' function is currently transferring information from the TV

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips DVDR890

Philips DVDR890 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 89 pagina's

Philips DVDR890 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 89 pagina's

Philips DVDR890 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 91 pagina's

Philips DVDR890 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 87 pagina's

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