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Safety precautions
Warning: The
lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to
alert the user to "dangerous voltage" and to prevent from a risk of electric shock.
Warning: To reduce the risk of electric shock, don't open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified
personnel only.
Warning: The exclamation point within an equilateral
triangle is intended to alert the user to
important operating and maintenance (servicing).
Do not use this STB where contact with or immersion in water is a possibility. Do not use near flower vase,
washbowls, kitchen sinks, laundry tubs, swimming pools, etc.
Warning: Do not put the candle or lamp stand on the cabinet; otherwise, there is the danger of fire.
Warning: The unit should be connected
to a power supply only of the type described in the operating instructions or as
marked on the unit. If you are not sure of the type of power supply (for example, 120 or 230 V) to your home, consult
your local dealer or local power company.
Warning: This
product install diodes. Do not open the cabinet or touch any parts in the inner mechanism. Consult your
local dealer for technical service if the opening is required.
Note: To ensure proper use of this product, please read this User manual carefully and retain for further reference.
Note: This product install diodes. Do not open the cabinet to avoid the unit direct exposure to radiation.
Unit Cleaning:
After the unit power is turned off, you can clean the cabinet, panel and remote control with a soft cloth
lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution.
Attachments: Never add any attachments
and/or equipment without the manufacturer consent; as such additions may
result in the risk of fire, electric shock, or other personal injury.
Locating: Slots and open
ings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation to protect it from overheating. Do not block
these openings or allow them to be blocked by placing the STB on a bed, sofa, or other similar surface, nor should it be
placed over a radiator or heat register.
Power-Cord Protection: Place the power-
supply cord out of the way, where it will not be walked on. Please take special
attentions to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the unit.
Object and Liquid Entry: Never put ob
jects of any kind into this STB through openings, as they may touch dangerous
voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill any liquid on the STB.
Note: Moisture may be formed on the lens when the unit is suddenly moved from a cold environment or an air-
condition room to a warm place or immediately after a heater has been turned on or in a steamy or very humid room.
If the moisture forms inside the unit, it may not operate properly. To correct this problem, turn on the power and wait
about two hours for the moisture to evaporate.
Parts Replacement:
When the unit parts need to be replaced, user should make sure the service technician use the
replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or having the same chara
cteristics as the original part. Unauthorized
replacement may put the unit In the risk of fire, electric shock or other hazards.
Safety Check:
After all the maintenances and repairs are done, user is required to request the service technician to
conduct the overall safety check to ensure the machine is In the proper condition.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Opticum HD S 60

Opticum HD S 60 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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