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Basic connection
After purchasing receiver, unpack it and check to
make sure that all of the following item
s are
included in the packaging:
Remote controller
Quick Start manual
Batteries - 2x AAA (optional)
To install the batteries in the remote control,
remove the flap protecting the battery
compartment If inside the chamber there are used
batteries, they must be removed. Then put new
batteries inside. When installing the battery, pay
special attention on the polarity -
the direction of
insertion of both batteries. The correct polarity of
batteries is drawn on a description inside the
battery compartment in the remote control. After
installing the batteries, place protecting flap on its
original position.
t, connect cable from LNB/ANTENNA (1 on
picture) to receiver’s (3) SAT IN connector. Using
HDMI or SCART cable (4) connect receiver with TV
Set (2). Finally, at the end connect main cord (5) to
main socket.
Turn on the TV Set. After while on TV Set screen
You should see receiver’s OSD
. If TV Set not
display receiver’s OSD, probably
signal source is
set wrong in TV. Check TV Set documentation for
information how to change signal source.
Operating notes
Working with external USB drive
During the selection and operation with USB drive (hard drive, flash memory), user should pay attention on:
Drive is compliant with USB 2.0 and have the appropriate parameters of read and write speed,
Drive contain single partition, formatted in a supported format,
f necessary (especially for USB hard drives, which are characterized by a high power consumption), drive should
be supplied from an external power supply,
Do not disconnect during a write/read data operation,
Do not use very full or fragmented drive,
tch above recommendations may result in incorrect operation of the devices and in extreme cases can cause
The manufacturer takes no responsibility for any damages directly or indirectly caused by loss of recorded or edited
data stored on an external USB drive which was connected to the receiver, and gives no warranty for any other data
on the USB drive when case of abnormal function receiver will happened.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Opticum HD S 60

Opticum HD S 60 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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