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Automatic Power Down
In accordance with actual European Union requirements, Your receiver is e
quipped with function "Automatic Power
Off". It works by switching the receiver into standby mode after a period of 3 hours after the last active use. In practice
this means that if during this time the receiver will not be given any command by using the remote control or keypad
on the front panel, the receiver turns off. Turning off the receiver will be preceded (2 minutes previous) by a relevant
message appears on the TV screen. Please also note that this feature is enabled by default in software versions
dedicated for European Union countries, but at Your own
request, You can disable it using the appropriate functions in
the receiver menu.
Easy installation
Generally, once the receiver is switched on, it is ready to play channels from default channel list.
If after turning on You can see only receiver’s menu, and when You try to push MENU or EXIT
button, “No channels!”
information appears, it means that channel list has been erased. There are two ways to create new channel list:
Restore default channel list, or
Scan Your own channel list
Restore default channel list
To restore default channel list, explore the menu with / buttons, and select Tools menu. Press OK to enter. You
may be asked about password (default is 0000 enter using numeric buttons). Using / buttons select Factory
Setting option and press OK. Use /buttons to move cursor to “Yes“ and again confirm by OK button. After a while,
reboot receiver using POWER button.
If after above settings, channels are still not played, only “No Signal
!” information appears on screen, go to next
chapter, where You can find how to configure Your satellite installation.
Configure Your satellite installation
To configure satellite installation, explore the menu with / buttons, and select Installation menu. Press OK to
enter. You may be asked about password (default is 0000 enter using numeric buttons). Using / buttons select
Satellite List and press OK. In this menu, using /and OK
buttons You can define which satellites are available in
Your installation. Next, press MENU to back to Installation.
If Your installation receive signal from more than one satellite, use / buttons to select Antenna Setup and press
OK. In satellite function use / buttons to choose satellite and in DiSEqC1.0 or DiSEqC1.1
function You can assign
selected satellite to corresponding DiSEqC switch input. Use MENU to back to Installation
. Now Your satellite
installation should be finally configured and ready to receive connected signal.
Scan Your own channel list
After satellite installation configure, You can create Your own channel list.
If You want to erase all currently existing channels, explore the menu with / buttons, and select Edit Channel
menu. Press OK to enter. You may be asked about password (default is 0000
enter using numeric buttons). Using
/ buttons select Delete All and press OK. Use /buttons to move cursor toYes“ and again confirm by OK
button. After a while, channel list will be empty.
Now, explore the menu with / buttons, and select Installation menu. Press OK
to enter. You may be asked about
password (default is 0000 enter using numeric buttons). Using / buttons select Multi Satellite Search and press
OK. Next, using / buttons select Search and press OK. Receiver start scanning all selected previously in Satellite
List function satellites. Please, be noted that this procedure may takes few minutes.
If after above procedures, Your receiver still cannot play channels, it is highly recommended to contact with Your local
professional installer or seller.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Opticum HD S 60

Opticum HD S 60 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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