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Look through the trouble shooting information. Some simple checks or minor adjustment of the unit on your part may
help resolve the problems
. If the problems prove to be beyond your capability, you had better hand it over to a
professional qualified technician.
Troubles Possible Causes Suggested Solutions
No power
The power cord has not been well
Plug the power cord into the outlet tightly
and turn on the power; if no power still, turn
off the power again, and turn it on in 5-10
Cannot scan
The antenna is not adjusted well Adjust the antenna
Parameter input incorrectly
Input Satellite, Frequency, SR, Polarization
parameter correctly
No picture
Output cord connect incorrectly
Connect the output cord correctly
The video output mode of the unit is
different from the mode of monitor
Reset the working mode
No color
Output cord connect incorrectly
Connect the output cord correctly
The video output system of the unit is
different from the mode of monitor
Reset the working system
The remote
control fails to
Batteries incorrectly installed Install the battery correctly
Batteries exhausted Replace the battery
Beyond the effective operation range Operate within a normal range
The remote sensor is pointed to by bright
Place the unit elsewhere for a change
Audio sound and
subtitle language
are not the
chosen items
Has not chosen the right sound channel Press the Audio button to shift the channel
No sound at all
The unit is in a mute status Cancel the mute
Volume set at a too low level Augment the volume
Cable connected incorrectly Connect the cable correctly
No sound by
There might be a short circuit
Correct the output-cable connection, and
turn on it.
Serious distortion
or cannot receive
signal normally
Too much interferential signal Adjust the antenna.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Opticum HD S 60

Opticum HD S 60 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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