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Interference during transmission.
The parent unit indicates that it is
out of range.
Short range
The batteries have not recharged.
The unit indicates low battery
power even though the batteries
are fully charged.
It takes some seconds after the
baby cries until you hear a sound
in the parent unit.
Switch to another channel and lower
Reduce the distance.
Place both units vertically and move
them a bit.
There is nothing much that can be
done about local conditions. You might
try turning off light dimmers or other
sources of electronic noise in the
The units rarely have defects.
Turn on the baby unit.
Set both units to the same channel.
Check the batteries.
Take the unit into a place with room
Move the units. Try changing channels
and use both units with the adapter.
Charge the batteries for at least 12
hours. Reduce the distance. Local
conditions may reduce the range
dramatically. Reinforced concrete
and house trailers etc. can give
difficult conditions.
Check the batteries. Use both units
with adapters.
Other baby units near by may reduce
the range drastically. Change chan-
nels and move the baby unit and/or
the parent unit.
Put the switch on CHA (up) in the unit
with rechargeable batteries.
Charge the batteries for 24 hours with
the unit off.
Buy new batteries from the dealer.
Put the switch on CHA (up) if the unit
has rechargeable batteries.
Check the batteries in the other unit. If
they work in that unit, contact the dea
Possible cause
Another baby unit is close by.
Too great a distance between the
Local conditions.
The baby unit has not been turned
The units are set to different
The baby unit batteries are
discharged or low.
The baby unit is too cold.
The range is too great.
Batteries poor or dead.
Local conditions.
The A6 or B8 switches are set the
wrong way.
The batteries have gone totally flat.
The batteries are very low or defect.
The A6 or B8 switch is set the
wrong way.
Possible defective batteries.
Transmission frequencies: 40.665 MHz / 40.695 MHz
Operating conditions: Up to 300 meters in open air, depending on local
C to +40
C. Storage temperature: -20
C to
Power supply: 2 x 6V 200mA AC/DC adapters or 4 AAA batteries
Operating current: DC 6V volts
Content 1 x baby unit
1 x parent unit
2 x AC/DC 6V 200mA adapters
4 x rechargeable NiMH AAA 1.2V environmentally
friendly batteries
This is normal. Your parent unit needs some time to check that the
proper baby unit is trying to make contact. If the delay is 4-6 seconds,
there may be other baby units close by.
Technical specifications

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