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Bear in mind that radio signals may be blocked in areas where there is radio
noise. In such situations sounds from the baby unit might not be heard at times,
even though nothing is wrong with the units. This may also occur if another
baby unit is placed between your units or close to your parent unit. The range
will also be substantially reduced when your batteries are weak.
Clean the units using a soft and moist cloth. Never immerse the units in water.
The units must never be subjected to extreme temperatures nor be left in direct
sunlight for extended periods of time. Avoid placing the units in humid rooms
or close to heat sources such as panel heaters.
If the units get wet, turn them off immediately and remove the batteries. Do not
use them until they are completely dry.
If the units emit smoke or a smell, turn them off and immediately remove the
Do not try to make technical adjustments or changes by opening the units.
The warranty is voided if the units have been opened. The warranty does not
include the batteries because their life span depends on the way they are used.
If you wish to complain about the product, a copy of the purchase receipt must
be attached together with a detailed description of the problem. By sending a
complete description of what is wrong you will be ensured that your baby moni-
tor is defect-free and you will be just as satisfied with NOVA quality products
as thousands of others throughout Europe.
The light indicator (A2, B2) does
not light up.
High screeching sound in the
parent unit.
No sound in the parent unit.
Possible cause
The unit has not been turned on.
The batteries are not properly
The batteries are discharged.
The adapter is connected to a
power outlet that does not work.
The units are placed too close to
each other.
The volume is turned up too high.
The volume has been turned
The sensitivity setting on the baby
unit has been set to minimum.
Press the ON/OFF button (A1, B1).
Check that they have been placed
correctly according to the + and –
Recharge the batteries while the unit
is turned off.
If the power outlet has a switch, the
switch must be in the on position.
Increase the distance between the
Adjust the volume by turning it down.
Adjust the volume up.
Adjust sensitivity up.

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