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Parent Unit
B1 On/Off button.................. turns the power on or off
B2 System indicator.............. indicator lamp:
green colour............ connection OK
blinking green (+ alarm tone 1)... weak batteries
blinking red (+alarm tone 2) ...... out of range
B3 Volume control ................ for adjusting volume
B4 Channel selector 1/2/3/4.. select the channel with the least noise
(same as the baby unit)
B5 Adapter contact .............. for connecting the adapter cord
B6 Visual sound indicator..... lights to indicate sound
B7 Switch for range alarm.... the alarm is activated when the switch is in the
up position
B8 Switch for selecting battery type.........Important: read the text box above
B9 Belt clip .......................... clip for fastening the unit
B10 Belt clip lock.................... tilt the belt clip up and push it down
B11 Battery door .................... loosen screw and push down the plastic tab to
insert batteries
Plug the adapters into a wall socket and put the adapter cord plug into the
baby unit (A5) and the parent unit (B5).
• Turn the units on by pressing A1 and B1. The indicators A2 and B2 light green
to indicate that the units are ready to use. The baby unit lights red when
transmitting sound.
PrimaNOVA uses four AAA batteries, either rechargeable or alkaline.
Remove the belt clip by tilting the lock (A8 and B10) out while pushing the belt
clip down. Loosen the screw and push down the plastic tab (A9 and B11).
IMPORTANT: Check that the switch on the left in the battery compartment
(A6 and B8) is in the correct position for alkaline or rechargeable batteries.
Read the text box above.
Place four AAA batteries in the battery compartment correctly following the
+ and - markings.
• Replace the battery cover and lock the belt clip.
NOTE: If the switch on the left in the battery compartment is in the NON CHA
position with rechargeable batteries, the unit may signal that the bat-
teries are weak even if they are fully charged. If the unit is to be main-
ly used with the adapter, we recommend using alkaline batteries, as
these may be combined with continuous use of the adapter, and will
serve as battery backup in the case of power failure. If you would like
to use rechargeable batteries in both units, additional batteries may be
obtained from the dealer.
Using adapters
Using batteries

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