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Use of the machine - User Manual
1.1 Intended use of the machine
This machine automatically dispenses:
- coffee and espresso coffee brewed with LAVAZZA
BLUE capsules;
- hot beverages using hot water dispensed via the
steam wand;
- steam for the preparation of hot beverages and
The structure of the machine and its elegant housing
have been designed for use in small of ces, business-
es and institutions.
Misuse voids all forms of warranty, releas-
ing the Manufacturer from any responsibility for
damage to persons and/or property.
The following are considered misuse:
- any use other than the intended use and/or em-
ploying methods other than those described in
this manual;
- any operation on the machine in breach of the in-
structions provided in this manual;
- any use following tampering with machine compo-
nents and/or alteration of its safety mechanisms;
- use of capsules not supplied by LAVAZZA;
- use of the machine outdoors.
In such cases the user shall bear the costs of re-
1.2 To simplify manual reading
Various kinds of symbols are used in this manual to
highlight the different hazard or competence levels.
The warning triangle in-
dicates all instructions of
importance to the safety of
the machine’s users. Please carefully follow these
instructions to avoid serious injury!
Various symbols are used in this manual to indicate the
competences of each user.
User: A person who uses the machine to
brew beverages, who may perform
loading, internal and external cleaning
of the machine. Users are NOT permit-
ted to perform operations which are the
competence of the Service Provider or
Technician. On detecting machine mal-
functions or faults, users should contact
only the Service Provider.
Service Provider: company or person responsible
for normal installation, start-up and sus-
pension of service.
On detecting machine malfunctions, the
service provider should request the as-
sistance of the maintenance technician.
Technician: personnel quali ed to perform unsched-
uled maintenance operations and provide
assistance with the machine.
Technicians may carry out all operations
described in this manual without requir-
ing explicit authorisation.
This symbol is used to highlight informa-
tion that is particularly important to ensure
optimal use of the machine.
1 GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................23
1.1 Intended use of the machine .....................................23
1.2 To simplify manual reading ........................................23
1.3 How to use these operating instructions ...................23
1.4 Machine identi cation ................................................23
1.5 Technical speci cations .............................................23
1.6 Residual risks ............................................................24
2 SAFETY REGULATIONS ....................................24
3 KEY TO MACHINE COMPONENTS ................... 24
3.1 Control Panel description ..........................................24
4 USING THE MACHINE ........................................25
4.1 Filling the water tank .................................................25
4.2 Switching on the machine .........................................25
4.3 Display language selection .......................................25
4.4 Using cups, mugs and glasses ..................................25
4.5 Rinsing of the internal circuits ...................................25
4.6 Loading capsules ......................................................25
4.7 Brewing a single coffee/product ................................26
4.8 Brewing a double espresso .......................................26
4.9 Emptying the coffee grounds drawer ........................26
4.10 Dispensing hot water .................................................26
4.11 Dispensing steam .....................................................27
6 CLEANING THE MACHINE .................................27
6.1 Cleaning intervals ......................................................27
6.2 Cleaning the water tank .............................................28
6.3 Cleaning the coffee grounds drawer .........................28
6.4 Cleaning the capsule loading tray .............................28
6.5 Rinsing of the internal circuits ...................................28
6.6 Cleaning the steam/hot water wand ..........................28
7 USER MENU ........................................................ 28
7.1 Display language selection ........................................28
7.2 Cup-warming surface (only models equipped with it) . 28
7.3 Brew unit washing .....................................................29
7.4 Rinsing ......................................................................29
7.5 Descaling the machine ..............................................29
7.5.1 Power failure during descaling ..................................30
7.5.2 Interruption of descaling process ..............................30
7.6 Standby .....................................................................31
7.7 Exit ............................................................................31
8 MACHINE WARNINGS ........................................32
9 HANDLING AND STORAGE ...............................33
9.1 Handling ...................................................................33
9.2 Storage ......................................................................33
10 INSTALLATION ..................................................33
10.1 Safety regulations .....................................................33
10.2 Stop functions............................................................34
10.3 List of accessories supplied ......................................34
10.4 Assembly-Siting .........................................................34
10.5 Disposal of packaging ...............................................34
10.6 Electrical connection .................................................34
10.7 Water connection (only for models with water network) 34
10.8 Setting the water hardness ........................................35
10.9 Descaling lter (BRITA) .............................................35
11 MACHINE PROGRAMMING ...............................36
11.1 Programming menu and Service menu .....................36
11.2 Programming commands ..........................................36
11.3 Programming menu table ..........................................37
11.4 Service menu table ....................................................38
11.5 Changing a parameter ...............................................39
11.6 Exiting programming mode .......................................39
12 CLEANING THE MACHINE ................................39
12.1 Cleaning the brew unit ...............................................39
13 DISPOSAL OF THE MACHINE ...........................39
1.3 How to use these operating
This manual constitutes an integral part of
the machine, and should be read carefully. It
contains information regarding installation, mainte-
nance and proper use of the machine.
Always refer to this manual before carrying out any
Keep these operating instructions in a safe place and
make them available to anyone who may use the cof-
fee machine.
If this manual is lost or damaged, a copy should be
requested from the service provider immediately.
For further information or if you experience problems
not completely or suf ciently covered in these instruc-
tions, please contact the service provider.
1.4 Machine identi cation
The machine is identi ed by the model name and serial
number shown on the special plate.
The plate contains the following information:
name of the Manufacturer
• CE marking
• machine model
• serial number
• manufacturing year
some technical speci cations:
- power supply voltage (V).
- power supply frequency (Hz).
- electrical power consumption (W).
Note: when contacting the Service Provider,
always refer to this plate, and to the ma-
chine’s speci c data shown on it.
1.5 Technical speci cations
Technical speci cations
Nominal Voltage - Power Rating - Power Supply
See plate attached to the bottom of the appliance
Machine housing material
Thermoplastic material
Size (w x h x d)
327 x 391 x 473 (mm)
approx. 10.5 Kg
Power Cord Length
2 m
Water tank capacity
4.0 Litres
Coffee grounds drawer capacity
20 capsules
Capsule type
Lavazza BLUE
Control Panel
A-weighted sound pressure level:
Less than 70 dB

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