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Installation of the machine - Service Provider Manual
11.3 Programming menu table
1. Programming Menu Press ENTER to access the programming menu.
Password Enter password Value selected
Default: 0000
Enter the previously entered and stored password (4 digits) to access the programming menu.
1.1. Identi cation 1.1.1. Admin/Filial PIN
Default 00000
Identi es the Service Provider or Administrators code: Numerical value between 0 and 65535.
1.1.2. Model (Read only) Identi es the machine model.
1.1.3. Version (Read only) Identi es the version of the machine’s software.
1.1.4. Point of sale
Default 00000
Identi es the point of sale: Numerical value between 0 and 65535. Enter the selected number. This number will then be
1.2. Setup 1.2.1. Std temperature
Default: 100°C
Boiler operating temperature (in degrees centigrade) when the machine is ready for use. Values: 90-105.
1.2.2. Prog. doses Short prod.dose
Default: 140
Quantity for espresso coffee (this is a numerical parameter with no physical correspondent, e.g. cc). Long prod.dose
Default: 173
Quantity for long coffee (this is a numerical parameter with no physical correspondent, e.g. cc). Free prod.dose
Default: 615
Maximum amount of manually dispensed product (this is a numerical parameter with no physical correspondent, e.g. cc). Bidose prod.dose
Default: 210
Quantity for double espresso coffee (this is a numerical parameter with no physical correspondent, e.g. cc).
1.2.3. Prebrewing
Default: Medium
Prebrewing time:
No, Short, Medium, Long.
1.2.4. Filter coffee
Default: No
“Yes” enables the lter coffee function. Filter coffee can only be brewed by pressing “ESC”. The lter operation is not avai-
1.2.5. Descaling Water hardness
Default: 3
Values 0-4. “0” disables descaling checks. With hardness 1, 2, 3 and 4, descaling checks are activated and an alarm signal
will be shown after approximately 240, 180, 120 or 60 litres of water respectively have been processed. (Values from 5 to 9
will not be accepted) Descal. warning
Default: Yes
“Yes” enables display of the descaling alarm signal.
1.2.6. Filter warning
Default: No
“Yes” enables display of the lter replacement alarm signal. When enabled, the alarm signal shows after approximately 60 litres
of water have been processed, or in any event after 60 days.
1.2.7. Credits Credit check
Default: No
(Read only)
YES: the machine continues to check remaining credits
No:The machine does not check remaining credit: Credit warning
Default: Yes
"Yes" enables:
- display of the credit alarm signal when the preset minimum number of credits is reached;
- display of the "no credit" alarm signal when the credits have been used up. Load credits
Default: 000
Number of credits added.
Value 0 - 255
1.2.8. Language
Default: English
Select language.
1.2.9. Grounds delay
Default: 5
Time, in seconds, after which the machine resets used capsules (with the coffee grounds drawer removed); this delay is only
applicable if the respective alarm signal is shown. After this time the warning or the alarm signal is cancelled. Values: 0-255
1.2.10. Grounds control
Default: Yes
“No” disables control of the number of capsules dropped into the coffee grounds drawer. If the control is disabled, malfunctions
might occur.
1.2.11. Contrast
Default: 35
Values 20-50.
To set the display contrast.
1.2.12. Backlight
Default: 150
Valori 30-255.
To set the display brightness
1.3. Stand-by 1.3.1. Activate?
Default: Yes
“Yes” enables energy saving mode.
1.3.4. Stand-by delay
Default: 60
- When the machine is in standby mode, it switches off automatically after the de ned time has elapsed following the last use.
- When the machine is in energy saving mode, the boiler temperature is reduced after the de ned time has elapsed following
the last use.
Values: 5-240 minutes
1.4. Cup warming 1.4.1. Activate?
Default: No
Con “No” disables operation of the cup-warming surface (only for models equipped with a cup-warming surface).
1.5. Security 1.5.1. Password
Default: 0000
Set menu access password
(4 digits)
1.6. Reset to default 1.6. Reset to default
Default: No
“Yes” reverts to default values (factory presets)

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