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Installation of the machine - Service Provider Manual
11.6 Exiting programming mode
To exit programming mode, the following screen should
be displayed by pressing the “C” button.
When the screen is displayed, press the “ENTER” but-
All the operations described in chapter
12 must be performed exclusively by the
service provider or specialised technician,
who shall organise all operating sequences and em-
ploy suitable means to ensure strict compliance with
safety regulations in force.
Warning. Before undertaking any mainte-
nance and/or cleaning operation, turn off the
machine, unplug it and wait for it to cool down.
12.1 Cleaning the brew unit
Warning. The brew unit contains sharp
points to enable piercing of the capsules.
Care should be taken when operating on this unit.
The brew unit should be cleaned every week. This en-
sures optimal operation of the machine. To clean the
brew unit, proceed as follows:
Remove the lower grill from the machine.
Remove the coffee grounds drawer from the machine.
Unlock the service door using the key supplied.
Open the service door
Press the PUSH button and remove the brew unit, pul-
ling it outwards.
Wash the brew unit with hot water, without detergents.
Do not use the dishwasher to wash the brew
After washing the brew unit, return it to its seat. Without
pressing the PUSH button, rmly push the brew unit to
position it in its seat.
The waste materials resulting from the dismantlement
of the machine must be disposed of in such a way as
to safeguard the environment and avoid polluting soil,
water and air.
In all cases it will be necessary to comply with the ap-
plicable local laws.
Render the machine unusable by cutting the power
supply cord.
At the end of its life take the machine to a suitable wa-
ste collection facility.
The battery on the electronic card must be
removed prior to disposal of the appliance. The bat-
teries must be safely disposed of.
This product complies with EU Directive 2002/96/EC.
The symbol
on the product or on its packa-
ging indicates that this product may not be treated as
household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the
applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical
and electronic equipment.
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you
will help prevent potential negative consequences for
the environment and human health, which could other-
wise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of
this product. For more detailed information about re-
cycling of this product, please contact your local city
of ce, your household waste disposal service or the
shop where you purchased the product.
11.5 Changing a parameter
All editable parameters can be changed with great
When the page showing the value to be changed is
shown, press the “ENTER” button.
Std temperature
Warning! When one of the machine’s ope-
rational parameters is changed, it should
be noted that this is a change to the operational
parameters set by the manufacturer for optimal
performance of the machine.
The value is made editable, and the symbol “
” appe-
ars under the digit to be edited.
Std temperature
Press one of the two buttons to change the value.
When the desired value is shown, press “ENTER” to
con rm.
Std temperature
The value is saved and the next digit is made edita-
If necessary, change the value of the next digit using
the “
” or “ ” button.
When the desired value is shown, press “ENTER” to
con rm.
The value is saved and the next digit is made edita-
Std temperature
If necessary, change the value of the next digit using
the “
” or “ ” button.
When the desired value is shown, press “ENTER” to
con rm.
The “
” symbol disappears and the values entered be-
come active only upon exiting programming mode.

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