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Installation manual: Oasis security system JA-80K - 21 - MKE51801
14. Operating and programming the system
by PC
The Oasis system can be operated and programmed locally
using a PC running Comlink software. To connect the control
panel to the PC use a JA-80T interface or a JA80-BT wireless
Bluetooth interface.
Comlink software can be used by installers and end users.
The software only allows access to features allowed by the
access code (service or user).
If the control panel is equipped with a suitable communicator
such as the JA-80Y (GSM/GPRS) or JA-80V (LAN/Telephone
line) then the system can also be accessed from a PC
connected to the Internet. For this remote access it is first
necessary to register at www.GSMLink.cz
15. Basic guidance for installers
1. Create an installation plan that sufficiently covers the building
to be protected.
2. If the customer requests changes to the suggested
configuration, especially reducing the number of detectors,
ask for his request to be given to you in writing to avoid future
3. Perform the installation in a very professional and
manner and always tidy up the site afterwards.
4. It is very important to teach the end user how to use and test
the system and to check his level of understanding.
5. Get the customer to sign a written statement that the system
was installed according to the customer’s specifications and
that the customer understands how to operate the system.
6. Explain the importance of the annual technical inspection of
the system and offer him this service. For more details see
the relevant EN standards.

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Jablotron JA-80K Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 1 pagina's

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