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Installation manual: Oasis security system JA-80K - 22 - MKE51801
16. Trouble-shooting
Problem Possible causes Solutions
The control panel is not in service
mode after being powered up.
The control panel does not have factory-default settings. Reset the control panel.
It is impossible to enroll a wireless
device to the control panel.
The device’s location is unsuitable, the control panel antenna is
disconnected, the device’s battery was incorrectly installed, the
control panel is not in enrollment mode, the device is too near to
the control panel (it should be at least 2 meters away).
Check and fix it.
The keypad unit indicates a fault Press the ? key to see the cause. React according to the cause displayed.
A motion detector triggers false alarms
for no apparent reason.
Animals are moving in the protected area (mice etc), sudden
changes in temperature, significant air movements, movement of
objects having a temperature close to 37°C (e.g. curtains moving
above a radiator)
Change the location of the detector, select a higher
immunity in the detector, use an optional pet lens in
the detector, program alarms confirmed by two
detectors in the control panel.
The wireless keypad does not indicate
entrance delays by beeping.
If the keypad is only battery-powered, then it turns off 20
seconds after the last time a key was pressed. To indicate
entrance delays, first wake it up.
Install an ordinary magnetic sensor to the entrance
door, wiring it to the keypad input so that opening
the door wakes up the keypad and reports to the
control panel. Alternatively, power the keypad with
an AC adaptor to prevent sleep mode or install an
indoor wireless siren type JA-80L to generate
entrance delay beeps.
17. Control panel technical specifications
Power supply 230 V / 50 Hz, max 0.1 A, CLASS PROTECTION II
Backup-battery 12 V, 1.3 or 2.2 Ah, typical battery lifetime approx. 5 years
Backup power output maximum continuous load 0.4 A, intermittent load 1 A for 15 min’s max.
Number of wireless device addresses 50
Number of hard-wired inputs 2, double balanced inputs, with triggering and tamper functions, programmable section assignment and
External warning output EW* switchable relay contact max. 1A/60V
Internal warning output IW* switching to GND, max. 0.5A
Programmable outputs* PGX, PGY max. 0.1 A, switching to GND, programmable function
Event memory 255 latest events, including date and time stamping
Communications frequency 868 MHz
Security grade 2 according to EN 50131-1, EN 50131-6, and EN 50131-5-3
Operating environment II. internal (-10 to +40°C) - compliant with EN 50131-1
Radio emissions ETSI EN 300220
EMC EN 50130-4,EN 55022
Electrical safety EN 60950-1
Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03
* these signals are also transmitted wirelessly to AC and UC receiver modules.
Jablotron Ltd. hereby declares that the JA-80K is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions
of Directive 1999/5/EC. The original of the conformity assessment can be found at www.jablotron.com
, Technical Support
Note: Although this product does not contain any harmful materials we suggest you return the product to the dealer or directly
to the producer after use.
control panel dimensions

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Jablotron JA-80K Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 1 pagina's

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