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Installation manual: Oasis security system JA-80K - 20 - MKE51801
13.3. Setting and unsetting (arming/disarming) the
The system can be set and unset from a keypad, a keyfob or
remotely by phone or the Internet or from a PC running Comlink
To set the system from a keypad:
Press key ABC, A or B,
Enter a code (or present a card)
If the system is partially set (section A is set), and you wish
to extend the proportion of the system which is set, press
the B or ABC key. If you extend the proportion of the system
which is set, then all delayed or next-delayed detectors in
the section(s) going to be set and in the section currently
set, will provide an exit delay which means that if a user has
his system partially set (e.g. night setting) and wishes to exit
the house by walking through the sections that are still set,
he will not need to unset the whole system before leaving
the house and setting the whole system. The route used by
the user to leave the house must be covered by delayed or
next-delayed detectors to make this possible and must be
considered at the system design stage.
To unset the system from a keypad:
Enter a valid access code (or present a card).
Operating the system from an outdoor keypad
If the system is equipped with a JA-80H outdoor keypad or a JA-
80N external card reader then the outdoor device could either
work the same way as an indoor keypad unit or it could be
programmed only to operate an electric door lock (known as an
outdoor-bypass feature), i.e. an indoor keypad would then be
used to control the alarm system. If the outdoor-bypass feature
is enabled then:
Setting and unsetting the alarm system is only possible
using a JA-80F or JA-80E indoor keypad or a keyfob.
Entering a valid access code or presenting a valid card to
the outdoor keypad or card reader will always only open the
electric door lock.
If the system is set, and the door is opened via the outdoor
keypad or reader, an entrance delay will begin. During this
delay the system has to be unset using an indoor keypad
unit (or keyfob).
13.4. Maintenance Mode
Maintenance mode can be entered using a master code or
master card by entering:
0 MC
where MC = master code (card) – factory default 1234
In maintenance mode it is possible to:
Test devices (an alarm cannot be triggered),
Display which code/card positions are currently occupied
Bypass individual devices (for one setting/unsetting cycle or
indefinitely) - see 13.4.2.
Program the real-time system clock – see 12.46.
Program the automatic setting/unsetting schedule – see
Program telephone numbers for event reports to the end user
(see 12.6).
Exit maintenance mode by pressing the # key.
13.4.1. Displaying which user/card positions are occupied
Which positions in the range 01 to 50 are occupied by codes or
cards can be displayed in maintenance mode as follows:
1. The control panel must be in maintenance mode – if not then
enter 0 master code or card (factory default: 1234) while the
system is totally unset.
2. Press key 5 (the display indicates “Codes 01: Code”),
3. Using the arrow keys all user positions (01 to 50) can be
scrolled through, with the A indicator showing whether a code
is programmed or not, and the B indicator showing whether a
card is programmed or not.
4. To exit this code/card display mode press the # key.
5. To exit maintenance mode press the # key.
To change access codes and cards use sequence 6 MC nn NC
(see 13.2).
The most convenient way to administer codes is by using a PC
running Comlink software.
13.4.2. Bypassing devices
In maintenance mode it is possible to bypass (disable) individual
system devices (permanently or only for one setting/unsetting
1. The control panel must be in maintenance mode – if it is not,
then enter 0 master code (factory default: 1234) while the
system is totally unset.
2. Press key 1, to display the control panel’s bypass menu.
3. Using the arrow keys you can scroll through all the devices
able to trigger alarms.
4. To bypass a device use key:
2 to bypass the device for one setting/unsetting cycle (the
triangular indicator will start flashing)
3 to permanently bypass a device (the triangular indicator
will light continuously)
To cancel the bypassing of a device use the same button
as was originally used for bypassing (2 or 3). Using key 4
will cancel all device bypasses in the system.
5. All the desired bypasses can be programmed by
repeating step 3 and 4.
6. Press the # key to exit the bypass menu. Pressing #
again exits maintenance mode.
If a system with bypasses programmed is being set, then bypass
text will be displayed on the keypad unit.
13.4.3. Protecting a car near the system
The Oasis system can also protect a car (cars) parked in the
proximity of the house.
1. If the car has a built-in car alarm then an RC-85 transmitter
unit can be connected to the car alarm output and the
transmitter unit can be enrolled to a free address in the Oasis
control panel. An alarm triggered in the car can be indicated
as an Oasis panic alarm 24 hours a day whether the system is
set or not. Note: if the car alarm confirms setting (arming) by
siren chirps appearing on the alarm output, then these should
be disabled to avoid false alarms.
2. If the car has no built-in car alarm then JA-85P or JA-85B
detectors can be installed in the car. The car detectors can be
assigned to their own dedicated section in the system, e.g. a
split system where section A could be for the car detectors,
and section B for the house detectors, with no detectors
assigned to section C, and the entry codes/cards assigned to
section C to access the whole system. So when the user
enters the house he can set section A to protect the car, and
unset section B to be able to enter the house. Radio
communication supervision should be disabled for the car
detectors to avoid fault notifications when the car is driven
away from the house.

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