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Instructions for use, installation and connection
Troubleshooting guide
Any unskilled attempt to repair the appliance is extremely
dangerous as it might cause electric shock and short circuit. To
avoid such injuries any repairs may be performed only by
qualified personnel, or after sales service.
However, there are some minor faults which may be easily
removed by the user, in accordance with the instructions that
If the malfunction of the appliance was caused by the improper
use, the service visit during the warranty period is not free of
Following are some simple advice how to repair minor faults:
Program clock indicates faulty values or switches on and
off intermitently…
Switch the cooker off, disconnect it from the mains for a few
minutes (unlock the fuse or switch off the main switch), then
reconnect it to the mains and set the correct daily time.
Program clock display is flashing…
There was a power failure, or the cooker had been connected
to the mains for the first time. All settings are erased. Set the
correct time of day to be able to activate the oven. After
operating in automatic mode, the oven switches off, the display
indicates time, and the beep is heard. Take the food from the
oven, set the temperature selection knob and the mode knob
into their original positions. Select the "Manual mode", and use
the oven in a conventional mode (without programming).
Signal lamp does not turn on....
are all the required switches properly activated?
is the mains power fuse burned?
is the temperature regulator properly set?
Fuses often burn out...
Call the serviceman or your electrician!
Oven illumination is not on....
Exchange of oven bulb is described in the section
"Replacement of parts".
Oven does not heat up...
is the mains power fuse burned?
is the temperature regulator set correctly?
did you set the oven to the conventional mode after using it
in the automatic mode (programmed)? Switch the mode
button to the position "Manual mode".
Baking results are disappointing...
did you remove the grease filter?
did you follow the instructions and warnings from the section
did you strictly follow the information from the baking table?
Replacement of parts
The oven light bulb casing is under tension. Danger of
electric shock!
Before replacing the oven bulb switch off the cooker and cut it
from mains by removing the mains power fuse or disconnect
the protective device.
Remember that the bulb is regarded as consumption material
and is not covered by the warranty.
Other accessories
Oven grid, biscuit tray, etc. may be ordered from the service
center. When ordering please quote the code and the type or
model of the appliance.
Hotplate control knobs are removed by pulling them outwards
and replaced by pushing the new ones back in place.
Oven light bulb
The bulb for replacement
should meet the following
E 14, 230 V, 25 W, 300°C.
Unscrew the glass cover by
turning it in the clockwise
direction and replace the
bulb. Screw the glass cover
back in place.
In case of side light remove
the glass cover by inserting
the screw into the slot and
move in the direction of the
arrow. (see Fig.)
Remember that the bulb is
regarded as consumption
material and is not covered
by the warranty.
Instructions for installation and connection
Safety precautions for installation
Installation may be carried out only by qualified personnel.
The electric installation shall be equipped with a safety
device, able to disconnect the appliance from mains in all
wires, with the distance between contacts of not less than 3
mm in open position. Good protection is provided by the LS-
switches and/or fuses.
The connection may be carried out by rubber mains lead
(type HO5RR-F with green/yellow earth wire), PVC insulated
mains lead (type HO5VV-F with green/yellow earth wire) or
other cables of equal or better quality.
Panels, glue and furniture lining from artificial materials,
adjacent to the appliance must be temperature resistant
(>75°C), otherwise they might be deformed.
Remove any packaging materials (foils, artificial foam, nails,
etc.) from the reach of children, because they represent
potential danger. Children may swallow small parts, or
suffocate with foils.

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