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Instructions for use, installation and connection
Electric connection
Electric connection may be carried out by
qualified service personnel only!
Wrong connection may permanently
damage parts of the appliance and render your warranty
Mains voltage of the user (230 V) must be verified with the
measuring device!
Before attempting the connection, check whether the voltage
indicated on the rating plate corresponds to the actual mains
Mains lead should be minimum 1,5 m long, so that it may be
plugged into the socket before the appliance is completely
pushed to the wall.
Earthing wire should be installed in such manner to be the
last one pulled out in case the safety relief device of the
mains lead should fail.
Using the screwdriver open the connector cover at the rear
of the appliance. Release two locks located at either side of
the connector bottom.
Mains lead must be led through the relief safety device,
protecting the mains lead cable from disconnection.
Tighten the relief device securely and close the connector
Colour code
L1, L2, L3 = exterior live wires, usually coloured black, black,
N = neutral
The colour is usually blue.
Beware of the correct N-connection!
PE = earthing wire
The colour is green/yellow.
Technical information
Type-model EVP431-444M
Dimensions of the appliance
(heigh/width/depth) (mm)
Dimensions for mounting
(heigh/width/depth) (mm)
Electric connection
AC 230 V
Nominal voltage of heaters
230 V, 50 Hz
Max. temperature
Tenperature regulator/
function mode switch
Guide levels
(telescopic guides in 3 levels-only certain models)
Top/bottom heater (kW)
Infrared heater/ Infrared heater
with fan (kW)
Oven illumination: top/side* (W)
Function modes
Top/bottom heater (kW) 2,0
Top heater (kW) 0,9
Bottom heater (kW) 1,1
Infrared heater (kW) 2,0
Fan motor adjacent to the heater (W) 35
Turnspit motor* (W) 4
Cooling ventilator motor* (W) 11
Total connected power (kW)
Oven total (kW)
* depending on the equipment of the appliance

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