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Instructions for use, installation and connection
Cool the oven completely before cleaning.
The oven and the accessories must be cleaned after each
use, otherwise stains might get burned in.
Oven walls, sprayed with oil from roasting, is best cleaned
with warm water and detergent when the oven is still tepid.
Hard and heavily stained oven should be cleaned with
special oven cleaning agents. Rinse the cleaner thoroughly
and remove any detergent remaining before the next use.
Never use aggressive cleaners, like polishing agents, dish
cleaning accessories, corrosion inhibitors, or any other
devices that might cause scratches.
Coated, stainless steel or zinc-coated surfaces or aluminum
parts must not come into contact with oven sprays, since
they might cause damage or discoloration. The same goes
for thermostat probe (if the cooker is equipped with it) and
exposed heaters on the oven ceiling.
When purchasing cleaning agents remember the
environment, and strictly follow the manufacturer's
Removing wire and telescopic guide grids
Telescopic guide grids or wire guides may be removed to
facilitate the cleaning of the oven. Side grids are removed by
swinging the bottom side inwards and unhooking them from
their place.
Clean the side grids and telescopic guides only with
conventional detergents.
Telescopic guides may not be washed in a dishwasher.
Note! Never lubricate the telescopic guides!
To reinsert, repeat the procedure backwards: slide them into
the holes and swing downwards.
Oven ceiling
(differ according to different models)
To facilitate the cleaning of the ceiling some ovens are
equipped with the foldable infrared heater.
Before lowering the infrared heater disconnect the appliance
from the mains by unlocking the fuse or switching off the
main switch.
The heater must be cooled down, otherwise you might get
Never use the heater in the lowered position!
Before cleaning remove all pans, grids and guides, and using
suitable tools (knife or a screwdriver) loosen the cross bar from
its side supports (see fig.). Use your other hand to hold the
heater and fold it downwards.
After cleaning simply push the heater back and the cross bar
will click into position.
Removing oven door
(differ according to different models)
Open the door to the horizontal position. Pull the bottom hinge
supports upwards to the vertical position and lock them to the
latch of upper hinge support. Close the door halfway (see fig.)
and pull it out.
For reinserting the door repeat the procedure backwards. Insert
the door in half open position (at an angle of 60°) by pushing
them all the way in during opening. Be sure that the notches on
bottom hinge carriers fit exactly the oven floor. Now open the
door completely, remove the hinge clamps from the upper
hinge latches and return them into the horizontal position.
1 door hinge in 2 door hinge during
operating position dismantling
Removing oven door with a single axe hinge
(differ according to different models)
Open the door completely and turn the removable locks
backwards (see fig). Then close the door slowly and let the
locks fit to the notches. At an angle of about 15° lift the door
slightly up and pull the door from the hinge supports (fig. 2).
For reinserting the door repeat the procedure backwards. Insert
the door at an angle of about 15° into the hinge supports by
pushing them forward and downwards, so the hinges lock into
their slots (fig. 3). Check if the hinges are locked into their
respective slots.
Now open the door completely and turn the removable locks
into their original position. Close the door slowly and check if
they close properly (fig. 4). If you have trouble closing the door,
check if the hinges are properly inserted into their slots.
Attention! Never let the hinge locks spring out, as the springs
are strong and may cause injuries.
Accessories, like biscuit tray, oven grid, etc. are cleaned with
hot water and the usual detergent.
Special enamel
Oven, interior door lining, baking tray and grease interception
pan are coated with special enamel, with smooth and resistant
This special coating facilitates cleaning at room temperature.
Grease filter
Clean the grease filter after each use with soft brush in hot
water with some detergent, or wash it in the dishwasher.

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