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If necessary, select > Data Fields to change a data field
(Customizing the Data Screens, page 13).
NOTE: The two data fields at the bottom of the screen
be customized.
You can send the ride to your Garmin Connect account to view
additional cycling dynamics data (Sending Your Ride to Garmin
Connect, page 11).
Power Phase Data
Power phase is the pedal stroke region (between the start crank
angle and the end crank angle) where you produce positive
Platform Center Offset
Platform center offset is the location on the pedal platform where
you apply force.
Updating the Vector Software Using the Edge Device
Before you can update the software, you must pair your Edge
device with your Vector system.
Send your ride data to your Garmin Connect account
(Sending Your Ride to Garmin Connect, page 11).
Garmin Connect automatically looks for software updates
and sends them to your Edge device.
Bring your Edge device within range (3 m) of the sensor.
Rotate the crank arm a few times. The Edge device prompts
you to install all pending software updates.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Getting Your FTP Estimate
The device uses your user profile information from the initial
setup to estimate your functional threshold power (FTP). For a
more accurate FTP value, you can conduct an FTP test using a
paired power meter (Conducting an FTP Test, page 10).
Select Menu > My Stats > FTP.
Your FTP estimate appears as a value measured in watts per
kilogram, your power output in watts, and a position on the
color gauge.
Purple Superior
Blue Excellent
Green Good
Orange Fair
Red Untrained
For more information, see the appendix (FTP Ratings,
page 18).
Conducting an FTP Test
Before you can conduct a test to determine your functional
threshold power (FTP), you must install a power meter and pair
it with your device (Pairing Your ANT+ Sensors, page 9).
Select Menu > My Stats > FTP > FTP Test > Ride.
Select to start the timer.
After you begin your ride, the device displays each step of
the test, the target, and current power data. A message
appears when the test is complete.
Select to stop the timer.
Select Save Ride.
Your FTP appears as a value measured in watts per
kilogram, your power output in watts, and a position on the
color gauge.
Automatically Calculating FTP
Before you can automatically calculate your functional threshold
power (FTP), you must install a power meter and pair it with your
device (Pairing Your ANT+ Sensors, page 9).
Ride at a steady, high intensity for at least 20 minutes
After your ride, select Save Ride.
Select Menu > My Stats > FTP.
Your FTP appears as a value measured in watts per
kilogram, your power output in watts, and a position on the
color gauge.
Using Shimano
Before you can use Di2 electronic shifters, you must pair them
with your device (Pairing Your ANT+ Sensors, page 9). You can
customize the optional Di2 data fields (Customizing the Data
Screens, page 13). The Edge device displays current
adjustment values when the sensor is in adjustment mode.
Using the Weight Scale
If you have an ANT+ compatible weight scale, the device can
read the data from the weight scale.
Select Menu > Settings > Sensors > Add Sensor > Weight
A message appears when the weight scale is found.
Stand on the scale when indicated.
NOTE: If using a body composition scale, remove shoes and
socks to ensure that all body composition parameters are
read and recorded.
Step off the scale when indicated.
TIP: If an error occurs, step off the scale. Step on when
History includes time, distance, calories, speed, lap data,
elevation, and optional ANT+ sensor information.
NOTE: History is not recorded while the timer is stopped or
When the device memory is full, a message appears. The
device does not automatically delete or overwrite your history.
Upload your history to Garmin Connect periodically to keep track
of all your ride data.
Viewing Your Ride
Select Menu > History > Rides.
Select a ride.
Select an option.
Viewing Your Time in Each Training Zone
Before you can view your time in each training zone, you must
pair your device with a compatible heart rate monitor or power
meter, complete an activity, and save the activity.
Viewing your time in each heart rate and power zone can help
you adjust your training intensity. You can adjust your power
zones (Setting Your Power Zones, page 9) and your heart rate
zones (Setting Your Heart Rate Zones, page 8) to match your
goals and abilities. You can customize a data field to display
your time in training zones during your ride (Customizing the
Data Screens, page 13).
10 History

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  • Ik krijg mijn actuele hartslag tijdens het rijden niet in beeld. Hoe stel ik dit in? Gesteld op 19-1-2018 om 20:58

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Hoe kan ik km/h en temperatuur in graden instellen op mijn Garmin 520?Heb het niet gevonden in handleiding. Gesteld op 7-6-2017 om 15:45

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • In de handleiding van de garmin edge 520 is een lijst met wielmaat en omvang te vinden. Waarvoor is dat nodig ? In heel de handleiding is er niks van terug te vinden (denk ik). Gesteld op 17-2-2016 om 22:21

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Ik zat met dezelfde vraag. Op de site van mantel.com vond ik dit:

      "De snelheidssensor wordt bevestigd aan de naaf van een wiel, kalibreert zichzelf met je Edge en geeft de snelheid en afstand nauwkeurig door, ook bij indoortrainingen op de trainer. Hoe gemakkelijk wil je het hebben? " Geantwoord op 4-8-2016 om 08:30

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Andere handleiding(en) van Garmin Edge 520

Garmin Edge 520 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Garmin Edge 520 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Garmin Edge 520 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 28 pagina's

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