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Rotate the crank arm to check for clearance.
The sensor and bands should not contact any part of your
bike or shoe.
NOTE: The LED flashes green for five seconds to indicate
activity after two revolutions.
Take a 15 minute test ride and inspect the sensor and bands
to ensure there is no evidence of damage.
About the Speed and Cadence Sensors
Cadence data from the cadence sensor is always recorded. If no
speed and cadence sensors are paired with the device, GPS
data is used to calculate the speed and distance.
Cadence is your rate of pedaling or “spinning” measured by the
number of revolutions of the crank arm per minute (rpm).
Data Averaging for Cadence or Power
The non-zero data-averaging setting is available if you are
training with an optional cadence sensor or power meter. The
default setting excludes zero values that occur when you are not
You can change the value of this setting (Data Recording
Settings, page 14).
Pairing Your ANT+ Sensors
Before you can pair, you must put on the heart rate monitor or
install the sensor.
Pairing is the connecting of ANT+ wireless sensors, for example,
connecting a heart rate monitor with your Garmin device.
Bring the device within 3 m (10 ft.) of the sensor.
NOTE: Stay 10 m (33 ft.) away from other riders' ANT+
sensors while pairing.
Select Menu > Settings > Sensors > Add Sensor.
Select an option:
Select a sensor type.
Select Search All to search for all nearby sensors.
A list of available sensors appears.
Select one or more sensors to pair with your device.
Select Add Sensor.
When the sensor is paired with your device, the sensor status
is Connected. You can customize a data field to display
sensor data.
Training with Power Meters
Go to www.garmin.com/intosports for a list of ANT+ sensors
that are compatible with your device (such as Vector
For more information, see the owner's manual for your power
Adjust your power zones to match your goals and abilities
(Setting Your Power Zones, page 9).
Use range alerts to be notified when you reach a specified
power zone (Setting Range Alerts, page 13).
Customize the power data fields (Customizing the Data
Screens, page 13).
Setting Your Power Zones
The values for the zones are default values and may not match
your personal abilities. You can manually adjust your zones on
the device or using Garmin Connect. If you know your functional
threshold power (FTP) value, you can enter it and allow the
software to calculate your power zones automatically.
Select Menu > My Stats > Training Zones > Power Zones.
Enter your FTP value.
Select Based On:.
Select an option:
Select watts to view and edit the zones in watts.
Select % FTP to view and edit the zones as a percentage
of your functional threshold power.
Calibrating Your Power Meter
Before you can calibrate your power meter, you must install it,
pair it with your device, and begin actively recording data with it.
For calibration instructions specific to your power meter, see the
manufacturer's instructions.
Select Menu > Training > Sensors.
Select your power meter.
Select Calibrate.
Keep your power meter active by pedaling until the message
Follow the on-screen instructions.
Pedal-Based Power
Vector measures pedal-based power.
Vector measures the force you apply a few hundred times every
second. Vector also measures your cadence or rotational
pedaling speed. By measuring the force, the direction of force,
the rotation of the crank arm, and time, Vector can determine
power (watts). Because Vector independently measures left and
right leg power, it reports your left-right power balance.
NOTE: The Vector S system does not provide left-right power
Cycling Dynamics
Cycling dynamics metrics measure how you apply power
throughout the pedal stroke, and where you apply power on the
pedal, allowing you to understand your particular way of riding.
Understanding how and where you produce power allows you to
train more efficiently and evaluate your bike fit.
Using Cycling Dynamics
Before you can use cycling dynamics, you must pair the Vector
power meter with your device (Pairing Your ANT+ Sensors,
page 9).
NOTE: Recording cycling dynamics uses additional device
Go for a ride.
Scroll to the cycling dynamics screen to view your peak
power phase
, total power phase
, and platform center
ANT+ Sensors 9

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  • Ik krijg mijn actuele hartslag tijdens het rijden niet in beeld. Hoe stel ik dit in? Gesteld op 19-1-2018 om 20:58

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Hoe kan ik km/h en temperatuur in graden instellen op mijn Garmin 520?Heb het niet gevonden in handleiding. Gesteld op 7-6-2017 om 15:45

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • In de handleiding van de garmin edge 520 is een lijst met wielmaat en omvang te vinden. Waarvoor is dat nodig ? In heel de handleiding is er niks van terug te vinden (denk ik). Gesteld op 17-2-2016 om 22:21

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    • Ik zat met dezelfde vraag. Op de site van mantel.com vond ik dit:

      "De snelheidssensor wordt bevestigd aan de naaf van een wiel, kalibreert zichzelf met je Edge en geeft de snelheid en afstand nauwkeurig door, ook bij indoortrainingen op de trainer. Hoe gemakkelijk wil je het hebben? " Geantwoord op 4-8-2016 om 08:30

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Andere handleiding(en) van Garmin Edge 520

Garmin Edge 520 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Garmin Edge 520 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 28 pagina's

Garmin Edge 520 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 28 pagina's

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